Exchange your Game Over for a "Start Over"

"Are you lost in the middle of nowhere in your life, and can't seem to find your way to back to the track that will lead you to God? You feel sorry for a sin but can't seem to overcome over it. As a result, your heart has gotten stone-cold. You lost the fire."


This statement from the book 'BACK ON TRACK ( Road trip 2.0-- Shifting back to Grace ) by Ru Dela Torre has made a very big struck to my mind and to my heart. This is the thing that is running to my life and to my mind. The Lost of Fire. The Burning Desire to know more about God and the BIGGEST and BOLDIEST is the 'LACKING OF FAITH'


Why can't I even surrender myself fully? Why is it that even I confess my sins, cry over it and ask for forgiveness, I still do it. And continuously do it? I know why but IGNORING is the way for me to escape the truth that will make me crumple and let go of many things.


We can't accept that we are going to let go what our mind loves more. The Flesh. This is the biggest foe to our faith. The flesh that made us turn to God our backs just to fulfill our longing--happiness that doesn't even long for an everlasting. Happiness that is just a temporary and Happiness that make us go 'rebel' to God.


What is this Happiness really means? I know and you all know what this means. Then, what is this happiness is? Let me state you what:


PLEASURE. As for me, pleasure means to satisfy yourself. Ah! this thing. We just want to do what we want to fulfill what we want. Just to make our body and mind happy and just following what we really want. 'Want'. Can't we change this thing? Want-- not to just satisfy oneself but the WANT that 'to know God more and do what he wants'. Can't we just make this want-- Crave? Crave not for the earthly things but Crave for God?  Crave for his words that filled up this starving espiritual spirit of us?
YES we can! but, as far as I know, this thing is the hardest thing for a human being to do. FULLY SURRENDER. I'll be honest, yes. I'm not yet giving my all but for God, bit by bit, I am. This is the fact that lingering on our heads "We are afraid of what the people around us will say". We can't express ourselves because of our fears. Fear that they'll ignore us or even say words that will hurt us. Fear about what will they say because they knew you're not that type that shares or what. Fear that made us like this one: " IF YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM, JOIN THEM "


I hate to say this but, I also became one of them. Just fulfilling what I want, beginning to have less time with God, slacking in school by scramming homework because I just want to read and read--nonsense things. But then, after realizing what am I already doing, I'm writing this post now.  

Life is about making choices. Where we are today is the result of the series of choices we've made along the way. It's as simple as A-B-C-D. From point A to point B, one small C---choice---may spell the biggest D---DIFFERENCE. Making choices, both right and wrong, has major consequences. Right ones equal to you finding the right path. Wrong ones lead to you being lost. And just like a vicious cycle, a wrong choice, if not immediately corrected, leads to another wrong decision. And another. The stakes become higher. Until finally, you hit a dead end and the bottom starts falling out.
So start making choices that leads to a right path. Don't give up. I know we are not perfect but always remember,



I made this topic 'change game over to start over' because many of us lose hope when we are being defeated. Because of the sin that we had made, we thought God don't love us anymore. Game Over--is like you're stating that this is the end. NO! don't. Instead of thinking like that, why don't you just think that every lose, there's a replay or START OVER?


God is not giving up on you. So don't give up on Him. Through God's grace, a clean slate is up for grabs. A fresh start is yours for the taking. Get up and get moving. Begin again now. The second chance begins when you invite Him to take the driver's seat---your LIFE--again. The first step to recovery is to let Him have the steering wheel.




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