Do i really like him?

Remember in one of my blog post i said i like thig guy named Gordon?

Well he transfered to NA so i didn't feel anything when he went to another class.

I also told my friends that i don't like him because they will make fun of me.

but everyday during recess and after school i keep wanting to see him and sit near him and his friends. I also feel happy just by seeing him.

Do i really like him? my heart don't beat for him like fanfics...


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I didn't read your other blog posts about this guy. But all I can possibly tell you is to not deny it. Like, if you like the guy, then tell yourself that. It's better than trying to sugarcoat it by thinking you actually don't like the guy and by lying to your friends and to yourself about it.
We're young and confused. It'll take time to determine whether you like a guy or not. But in that time, you'll learn. (: Don't worry too much about it.
When you figure it out, don't lie to yourself about it. Be upfront with your decisions, okay sweetie?
Good luck with everything~ :D