Getting food with EXO hoobaes! :)

I will buy for both of you :)

Let´s go to Dongdaemun!!

*stomage growls*


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Ahh dukkbokki yayyy I was actually thinking bout it this whole week >.< thank youuu sunbae!!
*munchmunchmunch* I will treat you next time :D
Ani but buying you food means I also get something to eat ;)
I think you worry a bit to much gege. But I don't mind :)
No you have to be healthy for your performances :) ^^
*pats shoulder*
You know we're going to get spoilt if everyone keeps buying us things~^^ *chuckles*
Okay! *orders dokbokki*
wait... What r we eating O.O *blinkblink*
two bowls please!!! Thank youu sunbaee!!
Three?! XD
I'll just have one for now~^^
I will take three bowls :D
What about you? XD
Hyung I'm really sad right now you never treated me *pouts*
You don't have to pay for me gege~
You're always the one that pays~