A birthday and A death

I didn't know where I have to start. Lemme tell you my story.

It was around 11.45 p.m last night [10 Jan] I was searching for "Hyorin" tag at twitter, because I am a huge fan of her. Then I know that she is having her birthday today [11 Jan]. I was about to made my display picture of  her, but I just remember my another phone [ blackberry ] was charging at my parents room. So I thought, "Ah, I still can do it tomorrow."

Then, on the very next day when I finished take a bath and have my clothes on [around 7.15 a.m in the morning] I run to my parents room which on the 3rd floor. When suddenly I heard someone knocking at our gate. I was ignoring it because my grandmother is at 1st floor.

Suddenly... my grandmother shouts my name and said, "___ YOUR DOG IS DEAD!!!!!!!"

I was SOOOO surprise at that time. I quickly run to the 1st floor and peek trough the gate and what I saw was...

My Bonnie, my dog which already with me since I was elementary school, my dog which always waits me to come home and will swing her tail when she see me, my dog which already live for more than 10 years is laying there with RED SLAB BLOOD because of a car which run over.

I cant think and say much, all I do is CRY, I even dont have any courage to touch her death body. I JUST CANT!!!!!


When someone celebrate a birthday, another people dies.


I just hope she can reincarnation in a better life and I hope I can meet her again, at my next life. I know she will be a beautiful girl, right Bonnie?


 From your fake mother,





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