School started.

 So,school's in session again,and I'm still in Eta (first class XD) with all my crazy friends. I pity my class teacher,she taught us home-ec last year and that was the time when we'd go completely nuts. There was once she didn't come and we threw a freaking apple around in one of the classes (it so happened we got that class this year) and when she was in,we sat under a table in the back eating marshmallows,so this year when she came in and saw us she practically fainted. Being a prefect,I have to wake up way earlier than everyone else though. I have a great duty partner(cute,but not my type and has a gf),duty spot isn't that fun(can't see my crush)

 For co-curriculums,I went for KRS(teenage cadets,most boring thing in the world,but better than that nunnery called Girl Guides. I wanted to go for Taekwondo,but they abolished it D:), Interact (never gonna get sick of that),Christian Fellowship (Praise to the Lord <3) and  Volleyball (really cute guy there and it's the only sport I can actually play). There's this really annoying Form 1 girl who runs around trying to talk to everyone. She has red and green streaks in her hair,and during volleyball she just waved off one of the Form 4 guys because she wanted to stand in his place. Me and my friends officially hate her.

 I think she's the next....well,we'll just call her Becka. She's a girl in my year who acts so nice to someone to their face,but talks crap about them behind their backs. And everyone thinks she's so pretty,when in reality she isn't. At all.


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