Speshurrl Girl


cannot contain feels

this was perf. (at least they can say 'special' better than B-Bomb LOL speshurrrl)

is it even possible for an ultimate bias who is number one on your bias list to escalate any higher?

because if so, howonnie just did so right there. he's like, squished against that ceiling.

LOL, Hoyaya is so hot but cute all at the same time xD getting hit by the directer
(who looks a lot like Ravi from VIXX btw) and then kicking the janitor LOL

he's so adorable acting all awkward with the girl xP
dat's right, you only feel comfortable hugging inspirits

and dongwoo smiling the whole time is frickin' adorbz.
especially during their debut stage on M! Countdown o u o

and then shoving all those guys, can you be any more cute?! asdlkfjalsdkfjeowi

he's like a little kid xD 'specially with that monster scarf of his and the mehrong~

and where the hell did that snow come from .__.
what sorcery is this?!

and really hoya? must you creep behind the girl when she's sitting on her bench?
you creeper! xD

and I'd go for both members of Infinite H if I could—
hell, I'd go for all of Infinite.

But, really, stick to only one member, girl. How could you do that to both of dem perfect guys D:

/imagining myself in the invisible air that hoya is hugging




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