Sad fanfics

I vow never to read a sad fanfic again!

I don't cry or sob, I just feel upset and my chest

seriously gets this "pang" of sadness HAHAHA.

That's my emotions for ya.

A recent sad fanfic I recommend you read is

DontTouchTheDerp's "Pieces of you" where it is a GD-centered fanfic. More or less, I think it is safe to say it is inspired by the song and music video, Haru Haru.

The language is beautiful and the main tragedy of the story is so well concealed that once it is revealed, you just get so emotionally caught up in it (or it may be just me).

Anyways my main point of this post was to announce that I will never or avidly try to avoid reading a sad fanfic or a fanfic with a sad ending. I just can't handle it!


Does anyone feel the same way?



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