I'm going to get bashed one day.

So I was just rolling around when I came to an epiphany. (No, not the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, the other one. You know the one in the 'Simpsons Movie' where he gets attacked by the polar bear, and the big ed lady saves him, and then she does that throat song? Yeah I'll just stop there.) So I suddenly reached an epiphany, and then I realized... What the is an epiphany. So I did some research on epiphany's and then had another epiphany about how stupid epiphany's are. Then BAM *epiphany* I had another epiphany that an epiphany is just a smart-sounding word for realizing you've been practically retarded for quite some time. Then I came yet to another epiphany and that was that this was pointless. Then yet another epiphany hit me and that epiphany was that epiphany's are pointless now. So after all my epiphany's I came to another epiphany and that was that I used the word epiphany way to much already. So in the end my major epiphany was that I'm gonna get bashed one day, for being a sarcastic smartass, and annoying people till they explode. Hope I made you cringe with my self amusement, it's fun having no shame. By now I should of reached another epiphany and that epiphany is telling me to stop otherwise I'll have no friends. I think I might just be the definition of an epiphany. I'm conclusion, to many epiphany's are pointless and stupid. It was euphoric annoying you. This has been literature 101 with Eden. Until next time....


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