I Yah! I'm dying!

Boyfriend's "I Yah" just came out! >.<

Was really expecting some awesome stuff after Janus and got some y ! ><

Did you see Youngmin?!

Like seriously, Boyfriend, keep doing those body rolls and s and whatever the hell you were doing in that video! It's f-ing y!

I swear my Boyfriend bias list always gets messed up through time-

If I can remeber it started with Jeongmin, then Kwangmin and kind of Youngmin, then Donghyun, then Hyunseung (it stayed on him for a while), it's slowly been drifting towards Youngmin this whole time. (Sorry, Minwoo, I've just never found you attractive, I love your rap though.)

Oh God, did you see Youngmin? (fangirling it up right now)

At the .55 second mark...just...oh my God. Youngmin? I don't know if my body is ready for this! XD

*spoiling, so watch it if you haven't already*

The song it great too! But holy what the what, is that girl supposed to be the best living being ever for all the guy's in school to be all up on her? And then she goes with bad boy Kwangmin in the end? I totally don't mind that, but like, who are you and what products are you using, cuz I sure want some y asian guy to be liking me too! XD (preferably Jinyoung since we are, as you know, married)

And Kwangmin had purple hair for like, those 10 seconds! Wah!

Must rewatch now!



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shinee4ever2012 #1
OMG!! youngmin killed me!!! >.<
THEY'RE SOO HOTT!! i feel like i'm cheating on woohyun while watching this~
oh! and i guess we're the same then..i never found minwoo attractive too..
Imaspy #2
-_- wow!!!