Anneyong again ^^

Heeeeeeeey, chingus ^^ 


How's your day? :D Me, half-good and bad ; _ ; 


Which one do you want to hear first? ; u ; 

GOOD!! FIRST! So that the 'bad' would be drama. lol. not really. haha. 


It's just that my best friend, the one who I talked about on my other blog post, looked at me ; u ; lol. But whenever I talk, she's like "Okay. " and that even hurts more 3 

And that feeling when a water poured on her notebook and there's no tissue in the class -___- 

I took her notebook and secretly used my handkerchief to wipe it off. 


I know. I'm sweet. LOL. 


And on my way home, I suddenly heard a voice. "I'll come with you. " It was lil crush. And I was like: "No, I can go home by myself. " And he was, "No, I'll come with you. And let me carry your bag. " And I was like: You serious? -_- "No, there's no need and I can bring it by myself. hehe. " 


We told each other like that. LOL. Until when I arrived home, I said bye first before him. Haha. I can't really face him -__- Ahaha. 

OH YEAH! I REMEMBER SOMETHING! I was walking with my friend to talked to lil crush. But I'm not the one who will talk to him, my friend it is. Actually, they were playing and stopped when my friend talked to lil crush and after that, we were on their way. He was like, "EXCUSE ME! " He yelled. I just ignored him. lol. Then suddenly, I think he said this, "Excuse me, 'babe'. " I turned around with this face :

LOL. And left . . . like that. haha



The thing is. . . . . 

It's just that . . . I get jealous easily. haha. 

I know it's stupid. -_- 

But who can control the jealousness even though . . . 

You Two aren't in a relationship but a "SWEET FRIEND " ? 


It's just that. . . . . he liked a photo of my friend. 

LOL. I'm too drama -___-

That's why I hate myself. haha.


But the real thing is that. . .

My lil crush went to someone else house . . 

And played with a girl batchmate. . 

I mean he and his friends jackass her. 



But still













They're called "Jealousy




I'm sooooooooo dramatic. hahaha. XD 

But jealousy is jealousy. lol.


I'll just go and stay at the corner. 


I want to hit him for making me feel like these! > o <


And yell at him when he wants to talk to me. lol.











But naaah. I still love him <333 

Nyenye. haha. 


I think that's all? lol. 







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