i need help!!! someone please help!!!

uhm well theres an upcoming contest on story telling... its my second time to join in it and its already on tuesday.... so uhm were told to do the script regarding the theme... so uh the theme was about a change in yourself will lead you to the path of success... my problem is that i still dont have any piece! i actually made a draft on one but im not satisfied with it so i am here asking for help on what can be a good situation thats related to the theme... please send me a plot via a comment on this blog or a comment on my wall... please im begging you guys... im probably teary-eyed right now... phew


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thanks for all of your wonderful ideas i indeed appreciate everything
Amoona #2
well i think having a positive view over things around u can change your life
like when something bad happen u only need to think that it must happened for a good reasons & u must learn from it rather than thinking that u have a bad luck or u r being cursed
sorry if its not helping :D
Moral of the story- be open to change and you might be a happier, more enriched person.
Sorry if I got carried away^^' I don't want to make you feel obligated to use my idea. If you want to, feel free to make changes :)
Good luck!!
...and he encounters a very lost Eunhyuk, who has just moved in town. Coincidentally, they're headed in the same direction and as Jaejoong has offered to help, they are able to come home together and make friends along the way. They happen to work in the same company( you could have Jaejoong being somewhat of a crab at work who refuses to socialize, and his befriending Eunhyuk is another change) and walk home together from then on. They use a variety of different paths, including Jaejoong's old one. At the end, Eunhyuk could say how he didn't want to move and switch companies but he is glad for the change. Jaejoong inwardly agrees.
I don't know if blog comments have a length limit, but just to be safe...Part 3!!! :)
So you could have, say, Jaejoong walking home from work oneday, only to have his usual footpath blocked off by construction. He's stubborn and doesn't want to change his usual route, but it soon becomes obvious that he has to, if he wants to get home at all. He's nervous, though- what of he gets lost or mugged on the way? Why didn't he just drive to work?(just as we're afraid of change and wish there was an easy way around it)
But he turns left, anyway. Initially, he can't stop being negative and angry about the change. But as he keeps going, he notices how beautiful the fresh scenery is...
How you could write about it, should you use my idea, is just a simple 'parable/suspense/symbolism story. I don't know the rules, but you could even use a kpop character, if appropriate, to help you feel the story :)
Hmm... It could be that you used to be very resistant to change in your life and, when faced with difficulty on the path that you wanted to follow, you focused only on the 'road block' in front of you and failed to notice the left or right turn available to you. When you finally let go, changing yourself by being more open to change, you take a different path and arrive at your destination, successfully.
I would like to help but i have no idee on what to say >_<
It can be something about when you thought that it was cool to be something, do what other people did, and tried to fit in, growing and changing yourself. But in the end , you found out that you lied to yourself and etc.
its anything.... any topic will do as long as its relevant to the theme.. i actually made a story bout sibling rivalry
I have lots but I can't remember anything...but I have one question is it fine
if its fantasy?
It's not realistic right? It can be a made up story? Well how about if you wrote about a time that u were rejected that lead you to wanting to be successful. Idk right now, I may come up with something else later.