My livejournal and other things

Hey guys, just informing you guys of my LJ account, but I shall still be updating the fics uploaded on AFF.

The only point i want to say is that, if I have any new future stories, it shall be posted there.

Have a good day/night-time sleep, you guys :)

BUINGBUING MOTHAFUGGERS (⊙ヮ⊙), have a picture of my legs too

lord what am I saying or doing, sorry to scar you with my face 


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lol...what? XD
luhans-vaqina #2
I like your stories.
And your tags.
And your face.
And your legs.

Your tags. Omg. Do you have a tumblr?
your tags
your tags
shanghaigirl01 #5
yes yes andy in his y jeans whoo.