draco dormiens || Cheon Na Rae


     Moony_Kat   ||   4   ||   Kat    



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you're either magical or you aren't.

character || Cheon Na Rae, full Korean

nickname || Balky (means 'stubborn')

dob + age || ( 08/16/96 . seventeen
place of birth || Jeju Island, South Korea
hometown || Busan, South Korea
languages || English, Korean, French


idol || Jeon Hyosung from Secret

pictures ||   I II III IV V VI VII

back-up idol || Fei from Miss A

pictures ||   I II III IV V

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where you ought to be.

personality || 

   Who on Earth has so many nicknames?! Answer: Cheon Na Rae. "Bagel girl', 'cry-baby', 'Balky' -- she heard all of these and some more! But what can I say? Not everyone can hold his or her tears in after a mosquito bite! And she sure ain't to blame for being curvy.

   Na Rae's a boiling volcano. She's a mess of feelings and impression and talks just as fast as she thinks(sometimes too fast). She's bold, but not to the extend to hurt those around her. And she always has a smile for all those that come to her; friendly would be a good word to describe her. But her real friends know that she's competitive, stubborn, hot-headed most of the times. And witty; she got that from her father.

   Trying to fit the picture at her best, she did everything to keep up with the others and even surpass them. So she grew to be fond of competitions as long as there was something waiting for her at the end. But still, she remains a cry-baby and a little bit touchy when people call her names and pick on her. 

  She'd do anything to protect her loved ones, even if that means to transform into a monster.

   Her favourite class is Transformation. Firstly because it makes her realize how lucky she is and indeed, unique. And secondly, well, you never know when you need a kettle or something like that. But the part she likes the most is the hidden side of Transformation, the part that actually brought her close to being expelled after being discovered to be an unregistered Animagus. She can transform herself into a snow panther.

history || 

   "You really can't do anything good?!, " You're a loser!", "Get lost, cry-baby!", these are few lines she heard while in her middle school back in Busan. Compared to the others she was strange, a lonely child and thus the target of bullies. Of course, she knew how to dance and was an excellent painter, but her talent would always fade in front of Suzy, the multitalented girl in her class.

   And one day, the took everything to another base. On her very birthday, they pushed Na Rae inside the pool of the school. Much to their shock, she got out surrounded by a ball of water, that was sort of protecting her from the all. And then the bubble burst... and so had Na Rae to move schools.

But they were all a bunch of fools! FOOLS! *inserts evil laugh*

likes || 

» sweets from Honeydukes Sweetshop
» Transformation and Potions classes
» going to Hogsmeade
» reading
» the Weasley twins

dislikes || 

» ruthless people
» being called names
» rainy days
» Herbology
» chicken meat

hobbies || 

» quidditch
» knitting
» reading

habits || 

» grinding her teeth in sleep
» agitated whenever the exam dates approach
» talking to her cat

trivia || 

» has a black owl besides her cat
» fears spiders
» has a scar on her left shoulder in form of a tear
» fears deep waters
» half-blooded witch

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we never left.

family members || ( name | age | occupation | closeness (1-5) | traits )

father || Cheon Hyun Bin | 40 years old | policeman(muggle) | closeness-4 | open minded; intelligent; witty; approachable; gentle
mother || Cheon Mi Young | 36 years old | Auror | closeness - 5 | powerful; strong willed; bold; beautiful; cold on the outside
siblings || 
pets || a white cat
others || Grandfather Tae Hyun 
| 72 years old | ex- Auror | closeness -5| powerful wizzard; lovable; sneaky; loyal; family type of guy

friends ||  name | year | house | closeness (1-5) | traits )

» Lee Joon (MBLAQ) | 7th year | Gryffindor | closeness - 5 - Na Rae's best friend | adventurous; playful; approachable; stubborn
» Gina Choi (G.NA) | 6th year | Ravenclaw | closeness - 4 | intelligent; hotheaded most of the times; competitive; mature

rivals || 

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amortentia 'love potion'.

love interest || Kim Himchan, BAP, Slytherin
back-up love interest || Zhang Lay, EXO-M, Gryffindor
personality ||

   Himchan is the embodiment of the role model Slytherin: sneaky, intelligent, cunning and ruthless. He takes great pride in his achievements over the years, but it's the looks that make him look down on every single student around him. He thinks of himself as the perfect wizard. Fool! But despite all of these, somewhere deep -- as in reaaaaally, reeeeeaaaally deep -- inside of him he's sweet and insecure. But of course, there aren't many that get to see that face of him on a daily basis. Oh, love! It can move mountains, if you get what I mean ^.~

    He hates working in pairs and does everything to win. As in e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g! He's more of a Ravenclaw than a Slytherin when it comes down to academics, I guess. But being the lazy he is, he's got a full army of 'friends' that do his homeworks. Poor guy, he shouldn't lift a finger! What? Do you want him to wear glasses on that adonisiac nose of him and look like Potter?! No, sir!

    And there's Lay, the atypical Gryffindor. More of a Hufflepuff, if you ask me. He's loyal and fair in everything he does, alright, but he's like a knife with double edge as well: you never know when he can backstab you. That's what kind of man he is!

    Gentle and laid back, he would never give out the real him: the dark magic lover that he is, because he knows that he'd automatically become an outcast and remain 'forever alone'. That makes him good with words. And wearing masks. But the real him is merciless, rough and cunning, a traitor to the very core of his heart. Love?   He's probably prefer to be bitten by a werewolf!

    Come to the dark side, we have cookies!

first impression || Na Rae to Himchan:"Yo, man! I ain't accepting any s coming from you, so you'd better keep your distance if you don't want to break that perfect nose of yours for ual harrassment! Not a single soul from this group will ever fall for your 'charms', so move away!"... Oh well, I guess it wasn't a fateful encounter, huh? She  didn't like him at all! He was everything she didn't want from a man.


Nae Rae to Lay: "H-hey there, Lay! I'm sorry I couldn't make it last night but I got caught by Snape while trying to sneak out from the castle..." Yes, sir, she was smitten by him! She actually admired him for being so gentle. When she discovered who he really was by mistake (eavesdroppin' ain't a sin!) was pretty shocked, but it drew her more towards him. That dark side of him, that wild side of him undiscovered, unseen by anyone -- she knew she had to have him no matter what!

behavior || Himchan tried everything: the macho type of guy, the rough type of guy, the romantic type of guy. Nothing impressed her! Until he started acting like himself after Snape assigned them both to clean the dungeon after setting fire to half of it while fighting. And she grew to like him during that fight, not knowing the he was already in love with her.


Lay had her wrapped up around his finger. Until one day when the tie snapped back at him and she took over his game, acting cold and distant. Push and pull! Their chemistry could be sensed every single time he'd let down his guard in front of her, smirking like a devil to her cold acting. Well, the devil had finally found his match!

scene requests || A confession, please^^
ending || With Himchan -- "We'll stay side by side no matter what! And we'll protect our loved ones from those Death Eater! Our future, we want to meet our future." I guess there's your answer...


With Lay -- Drawn by the dark side, Lay leaves Na Rae behind with no means of contact. He does not think of her at all. After all, it was only a game for him... On the verge of breaking down, Na Rae makes her way to him from the other side, practically begging him to return to her. Stubbornly, he refuses, but once her life is in danger, he puts his own life on the edge in order to save her.

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dumbledore's army.


sixth years || 

core classes || 

» transfiguration
» charms
» defense against the dark arts
» potions

electives || 

» study of ancient runes
» care of magical creatures



unforgivables || 

» imperio
» crucio *buahahahahahhahaaaa...ha...ha...AHEM!*
» avada kedavra

incantations || 

tickling charm || Rictusempra!
summoning charm || Accio, Firebolt!
levitation charm || Wingardium Leviooooo-sahhhhh!
jelly-legs curse || Locomotor Wibby!
water-making spell || Aguamenti!
fire-making spell || Incendio!
disarming charm || Expelliarmus!

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for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat.


 gryffindor  || 

what do you think of harry potter? || "He's a nice guy. Despite being worldwide famous, he's still the same humble Harry Potter that got to Hogwarts."
what do you think of the slytherins? || "These guys... seriously, they are mean and all, but they're just kids. Nothing much to them! Ruthless and mean and evil... oh well, I guess they're quite nasty!"
if a ravenclaw and a hufflepuff were in danger, who would you choose to save? || "A Ravenclaw, of course!"

ravenclaw || 

which came first, the phoenix or the flame? || "It's like asking one to search for the end and the beginning of a circle."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "Friendly people. Alright, a little too laidback and all, but they're nice. And brave!"
knowledge is... || "A thirst that needs to be satisfied!"

hufflepuff || 

would you rather be liked or praised? || "Definitely liked!"
what do you think about hogwarts? || "Best place on Earth!"
would you rather betray your friends or betray your family? || "Friends. Blood is thicker than water."

slytherin || 

what do you think of lord voldemort? || "This guy is... like a dead end. He knows what's expecting him at the edn of everything and still head towards there at full power. Crazy if you ask me."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "No comment!"
your housemates are becoming death eaters. many of them are your friends, and they ask you to join them. what do you do? || "I'd give it a thought. It's not like I'd accept, but if they threat my family, I wouldn't even blink while getting myself tattooed. I mean, even Lucius Malfoy stood my Voldemort's side only for the sake of Draco."

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you have your mother's eyes.

questions || not really... well, what House am I in?

comments || just hoping you'll update this often^^ and hope it's alright i put a gif instead of a pic edit:*worryworry* aisht, this ain't as good as the other applications TT.TT so unoriginal of me TT.TT
scene requests || A steamy kiss/make-out scene^^
how many horcruxes? || VII
hogwarts motto? || never tickle a sleeping dragon

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glowbug #1
ouo hi kat eonni
i think na rae is either a hufflepuff or a ravenclaw. but if you'd like her to be in gryffindor or slytherin, that's all right!

reply with your choice e u e
Your application is really good. TBH I always read your applications because I wanna learn how to do it XD and I think yours are pretty good. If I ever wrote an apply fic, I'd definitely choose your application ^^ Good luck!