I turn 19 this year. 8 months from now but still, I turn 19.

Which means if I don't enroll in school soon, I'll become a scrub.

No car under my name.

No house under my name.

No cellphone under MY name.

No bills mailed to me.

No college education.

Just a high school diploma & a job.

Not to mention, I swear I updated a couple days ago but its already been like a week or 2. Wtf?

Why is time flying by so fast?

I need to stop eating too. I'm getting fat. Or at least I feel like it. I keep taking advantage of the fact that I have money so if I wanna eat out everyday, I can.

That made me gain 4 lbs. -.-

I need to start running again but I'm too tired everyday.

& I get sleepy after I eat.

I'm.just gonna cut back on all the junk food...

You guys, I'm broke too. Damn near. So I need to stop anyways.

I have 3 days off, well technically 3 nights & 4 days but same . I'll try to write & update. & run... I need to freaking run.

Maybe I should join a gym..

I'm seriously thinking about it.

I'm such a ing lardass.


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