
Character Info ~

Full name: Lee Hyun Ae

Nickname: Hyunnie


D.O.B: 05/24/1990

Blood type: A

Enthnicty: Pure Korean

Place of birth: Daegu, South Korea


Ulzzang/model name: Lee Jung Ha

Fashion Style: She likes comfy clothes. she likes to wear Converse instead of high heels. She likes pants and shorts. Her tops are just plain t-shirts, some are long-sleeved, and some are checkered. She also likes to wear something boyish.

Personality:   Hyun Ae is just an ordinary girl with a creative mind. She's fun loving, outgoing, and thoughtful. She's a bit short-tempered, impatient, and lazy. Hyun Ae is a girl who's shy at first but is really clumsy when you get to know her. She's a bit talkative and sometimes, she's a good liar. People tend to believe her easily. She expresses herself through writing songs and painting. She's a bit mysterious because she hides a lot of secrets even from her friends. But she's willing to open up to them. 

Language(s): Fluent in Korean and in English


- Strawberries

- Hats

- Paitings

- Silence

- Anything white

- Converse

- Math

Dislikes: (5+)

- Cats

- Hot places

- Reading

- Beach

- Roses

Hobbies: (5+)

- Cooking

- Singing

- Dancing

- Writing songs

- Playing the piano

- Watching random horror movies


Background Info ~

Parents: Lee Hwara(Mother) and Lee YoungHae(Father)

Siblings: None

Trainee background: She joined a contest in her school. One of the judges there was from JYP. Unfortunately, she didn't win the contest. But she was still asked by that judge to audition and she did. She passed and started her life as a trainee.

Trainee years:  2 years and 8 months


 Stage Info ~

Stage name: Winter

Group Persona: The Deadly Vocal


1. Leader, Main Vocal

2. Composer, Songwriter

Fanclub name: Sisters

Fanclub color: Dazzling Purple


   Relationship Info ~

  Partner: Leeteuk of Super Junior

His personality:

Leeteuk's an outgoing and friendly person. He's quite a perfectionist. He loves to talk and talk and talk. He's a thoughtful friend and cares a lot for his friend. He's sometimes a loner, for he wants to be alone when he's not in the mood. He's sometimes a careless guy. He wants to make his friends smile that's why he has lots of jokes in his closet. He's a bit sensitive that why he can sense if one of his friends is sad.

His life:

He's the leader of the famous boy band, Super Junior. He trained for almost six years just to debut and be a part of SuJu. He's good at hosting but not at singing. He's involved in a car accident which caused him to be in a serious condition. He's considered as the one of the best group leaders.

How did you met:

When Hyun Ae's still a trainee, she became friends with Kangin. Then one time, he brought Hyun Ae in a fan signing event and there, she met Leeteuk. They both became friends after Kangin introduced her to Leeteuk.

Ex Partner: Kyuhyun

How you Met:

Since they both love Math, they're their schools representatives during contests. One time, they met in a contest and started hanging out when they found out that they were schoolmates in grade school.

How you broke up:

When Kyuhyun debuted, he lost time with Hyun Ae. That's why they both agreed to break up.

Friends: Taeyeon and Soo Young

Best Friend: Kangin

Rival(s): Krystal and Yuri


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