New Oneshot: "Let Go" feat. (gasp!) Changmin/Sooyoung

Let Go
When Sooyoung's heart breaks, he was always there.
Changmin/Sooyoung | G, 1833w


Yeah, I know. Amazing, right? :)

I wanted this to be a gift for bamthegreat, so when she posted a request for a Changmin/Sooyoung fic - I jumped at the chance to make it for her. It's not at all amazing (at least I don't think so) but it's good and I think she'll like it. Hopefully, everyone else does too. ♥

xoxo, Nikka


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Another wonderful fic from Nikka, I'm sure. :D
katdiva #2
The fact that you wrote it for Bamthegreat is awesome just by itself. But add that to your excellent storytelling skills, and I am sure even YoonaAddicts like me will give it a read just for the great story!

I'll confess, I'm glad it's a one shot, and a short one at that! LOL I am selfish with Changmin, and only want to see him with his favorite dongseng! But since Sooyoung is in my top three Soshi girls, and she's an angel, AND because YOU wrote it, I'll give it a read!
You're amazing, making a story for a couple which you don't really like <3