Have you wondered...

Have you ever wondered what's gonna happen if the world actually ended on 21st December last year? 

Alright, for instance begining to plan your thoughts about how you'll die.. what you're gonna do... 

and how many other things you're going to miss when you're gone... 

or maybe thinking that you won't have to go to school again, you won't have to live a mundane aimless life again, cowardly things like that... 

I did. As much as I hated saying... but I did. 

Life's hard... there will always be times when you wanna hide in that wormhole of yours and pretend everything's gonna be fine, but in fact they don't magically solve themselves like that. 

Sigh.. We chase idols, we understand that they're somewhere unreachable yet we fell in love with them unconditionally. 

But they have dreams too. Dancing and singing with all their might on the wonderful and glorious stages built for their presence. 

How about you? Do you have a dream too? 

Maybe for now we might all be students, studying hard for the sememster tests or final year. 

What are we going to be when we grow up? 

I've wanted to be a superstar, a fashion designer, a pilot... But as I grew up, those naive dreams seem to drift futher. With the harsh fact staring back at us, have you started thinking about working, marrying a guy you love, having little dupicates of yourself... grow old... and one day never waking up again... ?


Life's hard. 




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Beautifully written... Sorry for lurking around, but i just had to leave a comment here. thanks for this. Reading this actually made me feel like someone understood me.

It's something all fans should think about. Life's hard. It keeps moving. We have to grow up. We can't stay stuck in this world forever. Live it to the fullest-- as in, living for our future(Reality).
I know right.
Life is hard. . .and harsh . . .and cruel. And short.
yeah ive thought about these things too... its scary tho
Yeah . I've thought that . I don't even know what I want to do in life .