Snowflake Application - Jung Rae Hwan - Raine




Username: neonberries 


Activeness: 9-10

What should I call you?: Esme (:


Name: Jung Rae Hwan

Nicknames: The Chill Pill, Hello Kitty, Bugs Bunny, Pony, Betty Boop.

Age: 19 years old.

Birthdate: October 23, 1993

Languages: Korean (Fluent), English (Basic)

Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Beautiful My Girl

Height: 172 cm - 5'6

Weight: 48 kg - 108 lbs.

Ulzzang: Park Hye Min (Pony)

Links:1|2|3|4|5 |6|7|8

Back-up ulzzang: Lee Dasom




Raine is a very unique and different type of girl. She's quite, but not mute. She's kind, but not an angel. She has her ups and downs like any other human out there. She's very laid-back and often doesn't care what others think of her. She's also the type of person who laughs more then speaks. Raine is socially awkward with people she's not quite familiar with, but with people she's completely close to she may be the dorkiest, funniest, funnest, and talkative person alive. She doesn't invite herself into conversations she's not invited to. She doens't really care about what people think of her, since she knows she lives for herself, and herself only. She's very smart about life, and often tries to advice people into taking the right path.

Many people describe Raine as the laid-back and chill type. Raine likes to hide her true feelings for everything. She's the type of person who loves, romance. Who thinks of her future. Her future husband. Her kids. But she doesn't like showing her true emotions since she knows she'd seem week in other eyes, so in some what cases, she might care in some standards on what people think of. 

Raine may be chilled, and laid-back, but she is a little impatient with certain things, like waititng in line, or waititng for a video to load. She also can get annoyed easily. Sometimes without even knowing, she can be a little selfish, but that's only since she's been an only child her whole life, and sometimes that habit sticks with her.

Raine is very booksmart. She has never gotten a grade lower then a 'B' in her whole life. She thinks it's important to always have a back-up plan no matter what.



-Baking (And baking only)

-Long walkes on the beach

-Animated films (She's loved animated films since she was a child, her favorite ones are Spirited Away, and Grave of the Fireflies. She also thinks your never to old for some cartoon fun.)


-Rose petals

-Shopping, Fashion


-Roller skating





-Reading (Yet she's ironically smart.)



-Horror movies

-Nail polish (She loves the after look, but hates the scent)

-Meat (She prefers seafood, and spicy food)


-Annoying, rude, argont, rasict, etc. people




-Online games

-Watching films

-Gardening roses, and roses only

-Being with family, and friends.

-Modeling (She modeled for CherryKoKo when she was 18)


Raine reveals her deepest, darkest secrets when she's asleep.

She constantly claps her hands when she laughs.


She was born on the day of the cusp, therefore, she's a Libra & Scorpio.

She doesn't worry about her appearence, she thinks she's decent, but not the best.

She plans on being a model, actress, and idol. She's mostly dreamed of being a famous guest star idol MC on popular idol shows.

She's visited many places all over the world.

She doesn't have a favorite brand in clothing.

Her favorite food is ice cream.

She writes about Daehyun every now and then on her secret Diary she's had since she was 5.

She believes she truly doesn't know who she is yet. She's still finding out more about herself till' this day.

I Got You


Sunhwa|45|Mother|Criminal Justice Head Officer|Serious, Calm, Mature, Elegent, Quite, Mysterious}

Enlai|47|Father|Criminal Justice Head Officer|Dorky, Talkative, Jokster, Social, Tough}


Amber Liu|21|Idol|Dorky, Cool, Quite, Mysterious, Fun|Amber was the first to be friends with Raine when she transfered to SM.

Sulli|18|Idol|Aegyo, Cute, Dorky, Full of Engery, Sweet, Kind-hearted| Amber introduced Sulli to Raine, and they automatically clicked.

Lay|22|Idol| Quite, Sweet, Forgetable, Mysterious (Slight Crush On Raine)| Lay was the most excited to meet Raine when she transfered to SM.

Best friends:

Himchan|22|Idol|y, Quite, Tall, Mysterious, Dorky (Only with friends)|Himchan met Raine while she was a trainee at TS, and he started the 'Love Hate' relationship rumor about Daehyun and Raine. Even though Raine was sent off to SM, she's still in contact with everyone in TS.

Jessica Jung|23|Idol|Noona type, Fun, y, Cute, Ice Princess|Jessica took interest right away when she first saw Raine. She treats Raine as if she was her daughter, and sometime teases Raine into calling her 'Umma'. Raine is closest to Jessica in SNSD then all the other girls. 


Raine is the only child of two police officers, Sunhwa, and Enlai. Her parents were a little over-protective of her since they saw all the good and bad in life with their jobs as head police officers, dealing with criminals everyday, and genius master-minds of all sort. Raine loved to draw as a child, and had the passion for so long. She gave up drawing which made her parents quite sad since she won so many awards, and made beautiful creations at such a young age. Later on in the years, Raine moved onto singing. It became her passion to sing along with music video lyrics, and learn a small amount of lyrics until it was time for dinner. Her parents had the idea of enrolling Raine into dance class. Raine loved to sing, but she hated dancing. After 2 weeks, Raine quit, not being able to handle all the dancing, and diffucult moves for her small little feet. Instead she asked her parents to enroll her for vocal lessons, and piano classes. Her parents wanted to make Raine happy with all their hearts but didn't know if they could afford so much lessons. The did get a whole bunch of money from their jobs, but they had bills to pay, and so many other things that kept them living.

The two parents found a way to send Raine off to piano and vocal classes. Raine blossomed into a even more talented little girl, and her parents were extremely proud. Right away Raine knew she'd be a singer when she grew up.

In High School, Raine grew up to be a beautiful, mature, quite yet cheerful girl. (The only person who made Raine loosen up a bit is Daehyun, and he loves to own that feeling of her's.)

Guy's began asking Raine out but she was to focused into getting into a good college, and to study to her very best. Raine graduated from college a year earlier then expected, and was scouted outside her school (college) gates by a TS agent. She trained for TS for a total of 4 months, but then switched to SM since they liked everything about her from reading her profile, and watching her audition.

Raine's first love/crush was Daehyun, and she still has feelings for him till' this day.

Up In The Sky

Stage: Raine (Close friends call her by her American name Sophia)

Position: Lead Vocalist, Rapper, Visual

Back-up position: Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper

Persona: The Chill Pill - Hello Kitty

Fanclub Name: Saranghae Minions (SM for short :3)

Fanclub Colour: Light Salmon

How you get into SM?:  Former trainee for TS, switched to SM. (Scouted)

Trained for: 3 years, 2 months, and 14 days.

y Love

Love Intrest: Jung Daehyun

Age/D.O.B/Group: 19 (American Age - 20 Korean Age)/ June 28, 1993/ B.A.P

Personality: Mysterious, shy but yet tough, y type, loveable, caring, generous, kind-hearted, dorky, social, talkative (with close friends only)

How did you meet: 

Raine met Daehyun when she was first scouted by a TS Entertainment agent outside her school gates. When she was first training for TS, she was introduced to Daehyun. The moment she laid her eyes on him her heart skipped a beat, and she froze. Daehyun noticed her sudden reaction, and she couldn't help but smile. Raine always tries to hide her true feelings for everything, and she showed no interest in Daehyun. Everyone thought the two of them acted as a real couple. Raine would always turn pink when she was around Daehyun, or if she even heard his name. 

Daehyun knew about Raine's feelings toward him, but he loved playing stupid to see what else she would do. He loved teasing her, since she got annoyed easily, but she couldn't do anything since she really like him.

The day it was announced that trainee Raine, would switch over to SM was a sad yet happy day. It was good since she was moving over to another big entertainment, who was filled with attractive, talents, and sucessful groups, but she was being sent away from her new friends, and major crush. Daehyun admitted on Raine's last day at TS that he had some what feelings for her. No one knows except them two. 

Relationship: Major Crush (Love Hate Relationship)

Back-up intrest: Baekhyun

AGE/D.O.B/Group:  21 years old/ May 6, 1992/ EXO-K

Personality: Baekhyun is the fun, shy, quite, dorky, and talkative (around his friends) type, and someone who isn't afraid to do aegyo.

Relationship: Crush

Get Out

Comments: Nothing, I hope you liked her!


Scene Request: I should've put that here eh? ^ I'm so sorry LOL D:



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