Hi ^^


It's been long since I last posted a blog. Hehe ^^ 


How's holidays guys? School? Haha XD 


Me? Holidays were. . . . too long and short. haha.

I just did nothing but surf the net and read fanfics. haha. School?

Resume of classes was a good start :"> <3 


OH YEAAAAH. I spent a long time on internet yesterday until its midnight. -__- 

Well. . . I was talking to my lil crush. 


Can I ask one thing? Is it bad to be a PEDO? T___T 

Cuz I think I am. haha. But my friends were like:

"Nah, you look 12 years old. " 

And I was like. "What? "



And yeah, I'm a pedo, i think. But it's not CRIME



He's two years younger. loool. 

Suddenly my bestfriend asked me:

"How did you fell in love with him? " 

And I was like :

"How did you have a feelings for him?" 

I was like . . . trying to think for the answer. 

"I think because I have a soft part of something sweet. " 

What I meant is that, he was like saying this random pick-up lines

and some of it were like. . . eee. And my reaction was like:


That I want to punch his face. 

And I was a loser for loving a lil kid who's like older than me. ==' 

Haha. XD 


But I'm really careful . . . to take a move? asdfghjkl.

I don't know.

I get really hurt easily. LOOL.

No drama! XD Change topic. 


My friends ships us so badly that they want us to be in a relationship. 

But too bad, I'm not allowed to have a boyfie. haha. XD 

But naaaaah. 

We'll stay at our present relationship status. 



I think that's all. hehe ^^ 

I shared my personal love life whatsoever XD haha. <33 

Stay tuned XD haha. XD 

(Yixing oppa is so pretty * u *) 

[I'll try to update my stories as I can! <3 ]




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