draco dormiens || sooyeon bae.


     forest-animal   ||   four-ish. i check aff every day orz   ||   cassidy    

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you're either magical or you aren't.

character || Korean; Sooyeon Bae

nickname || Soobae (combination of her first and last names; only her friends call her that; everyone else calls her by just Sooyeon)


dob + age || 10/15/94 + 18 years old
place of birth || Gwangju, South Korea
hometown || Seoul, South Korea
languages || English, Korean (fluent in both)


idol || Suzy Bae, Miss A

pictures || 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05


back-up idol || Krystal Jung, f(x)

pictures || 01 - 02 - 03

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where you ought to be.

personality ||

In a nutshell, Sooyeon is not what she appears to be. She's often misjudged for the way she acts and suffers the reprocussions of it. Sooyeon is never intentionally mean (unless you give her a reason to be) but the way she approaches things makes it seem otherwise.


The thing with Sooyeon is that she looks like a pure and fun girl, which she is at some points, but you need to be a pretty close friend of hers to see that side. She's aware that her face often misleads others about her personality, so she knows when and how to use that to her advantage. If the situation calls for her to do so, she'll waste no time in lying and worming her way in to achieve her goals.


Sooyeon is also known to be sarcastic and blunt with her remarks, but she just sees it as being honest. If people get offended by it, then she says they just need to toughen up because the real world won't always treat you kindly and sugar coat the truth, just so your feelings won't be hurt. Even though she tells lies, it's not to protect someone's feelings. The reason for her lying is so that she doesn't get in trouble when she does things she probably she shouldn't be doing. If something is being told to her that could potentially hurt her feelings or affect her life greatly, she'd still rather be told the cold, hard truth instead of being lied to.


Even though she can be cold and viewed as mean or aggresive with her tactics, Sooyeon is still a girl, and a kid, at heart. She can dish out the dirt and receive it back tenfold, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt her. She just learned to let it roll off her back or use what other people say about her to better herself and prove them wrong. In fact, she loves proving people wrong just so she can wear a -eating grin and say, "I told you so." It's easy to see why Sooyeon doesn't like being wrong. Not like she ever is, anyways.


To top it all off, Sooyeon hates it when people look down on her or make judgements on her because of her blood or her status. Her family is rich, and her general exterior personality scream a high class snob (and when she learns that she's a Pureblood, she finds out that has its drawbacks too) but she isn't completely heartless. She wouldn't kill or curse an innocent bystander if she had a choice, and if one of her closest friends or family members were ever in danger, she'd lend a hand. But for anyone else, she would just shrug and pretend like she didn't see anything. Maybe what people say about her aren't far from wrong after all.


history ||

Sooyeon was just a normal rich girl with a daddy who makes too much money and a pretty boring, uneventful life. She had everything she could ever ask for: money, prestiege, all the clothes she could want, the ability to travel where she wanted to whenever she wanted to, and more. She had nice, loving parents who never asked for more of her than she could provide; she had a few close friends that were far from fake (Sooyeon made sure of that by putting them through various tests, unbestknown to them) and she could trust & depend on; and she was doing well in school as long as she did her work and studied properly. Yet, she still felt like there was something... missing.


At first, Sooyeon just thought she was bored so she decided to make her own fun. At her boarding school, she was known throughout for her beautifully natural looks (no plastic surgery here, folks) and her playful (but comes off as mean) ways. She often played a few jokes and pranks on unsuspecting students and sometimes found joy in seeing how others reacted when she was blunt with them. But something was still missing


The confused girl pondered over this for quite some time but because she couldn't answer it, she ended up asking her mom for advice. When she did, her mom looked at her and said "wait until your dad comes home." Sooyeon didn't understand why she had to wait for her dad to come home to get simple advice but she never questioned her parents because they always knew best. Later that night, she was called into her dad's office. She was greeted by her two parents with serious expressions which furhter piqued Sooyeon's confusion. After moments of silence, her parents told her that she was actually a witch, and a pureblood one at that. Sooyeon was shocked and even more confused than she was before, and bombared her parents with questions.


All Sooyeon knew about witches were that they were green, ugly, had bad acne, and were doomed to forever wear black. She didn't want any part of that but as her parents explained to her more about the Wizarding World, how the magic she had and could harness is much different than what she imagined, and much more, she was sold. Maybe attending this new school would help Sooyeon find what was "missing" this entire time.


**As a side note, Sooyeon's parents were both wizards by birth but decided to live in the Muggle World when Sooyeon was born to provide a stable and semi-normal upbringing for her as well until they felt that Sooyeon was ready to learn about her true identity. They decided the time to tell her was when Sooyeon had come to her mom and asked her why she was so bored with her life because they figured that Sooyeon was meant to be a wizard and that was what was "missing" from her life.


likes || 

» owls
» going to Honeydukes
» astronomy
» wagering/bets
» eating

» letters


dislikes ||

» anything related to history (too much reading for her to do)
» butter beer
» overly sweet people
» wizard dueling
» waking up early


hobbies ||

» singing
» plays the violin
» writing riddles


habits ||

» appearing bored and/or uninterested without realizing
» observing others (aka 'people watching')
» when she observes others, she unintentionally glares at them

» twirling her wand around when she's bored


trivia ||

» has a secret sweet tooth
» often misses the sweets back home (ie. chocolate chip cookies)
» she's a little clumsy
» when she tries to flirt, it comes off harsh (worst cases can be compared to insults)
» scared of falling objects (and falling in general)
» scared of sharp objects

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we never left.

family members ||

father || bae gohun | 45 | doctor | four | hardworking, stern, quiet, generous 
mother || bae minah | 44 | nurse | five | warm, genuine, lively, wise
siblings || n/a.
pets || tawny owl named Iseul
others || n/a.


friends || 

» after school's lizzy | seventh | slytherin | three | loud, opinionated, secretive, snarky
» hello venus' yoo ara | sixth | ravenclaw | four | clever, resourceful, loyal, playful


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amortentia 'love potion'.

love interest || kim "suho" joonmyun, exo, ravenclaw
back-up love interest || luhan, exo, ravenclaw

personality ||

In short, Suho is everything a Ravenclaw should be. He's smart to begin with but he's always eager and willing to learn new things, so he's often at the top (or near the top) of all his classes. He also happens to be the kind of person who follows the rules and does as he's told by someone of higher status than him. Despite that, he can also be a pretty witty person, often making comments, observations and jokes that surprise others mostly because no one expected the amount of bite that were in his remarks/comebacks when people make fun of him for being too proper and nice.


Suho also reads philosophy books in his free time, so he has a lot of wisdom and knowledge and useless quotes at the ready. He has theories and  tactics (that are tried and true) on how he should treat others and how to apparoach certain situations, which makes him well respected by his schoolmates. He is capable of handling situations in a way where it doesn't favor one side or the other and he's often told that he'd make a good leader because he can look at both sides objectively and he would enforce rules without being too harsh or overbearing. He also genuinely cares for others and because of his 'wisdom and knowledge', people like going to him for advice.


first impression ||

Initially, Sooyeon didn't have any concrete opinion. The first time they met was when Sooyeon had come up with another idea to cause some fun, minor trouble and wanted to run it by Ara since she usually pointed out any flaws in the plan that should be fixed before Sooyeon carried it out. When she ran up to Ara ready to ask, she noticed Suho there, who happened to be talking to Ara at the time. He was the first to greet her with a smile but all Sooyeon could do was nod in response before turning back to her original reason for being there. Sooyeon left with Ara shortly after the first meeting with Suho, so that's why she didn't have a solid first impression of Suho besides the fact that he was attractive and had a nice smile.

behavior ||

Whenever Sooyeon was planning or carrying out a prank, she always ran into Suho. At first she was fed up and annoyed with how he always managed to pop up at the times when she didn't want to be noticed (and because he always had some sort of comment about how she shouldn't be doing so many pranks). However, it kept happening so often, that Sooyeon eventually got used to his prescence and it would feel weird to her if she didn't run into him whenever she went out to "play."


Eventually, the two started talking more and more about whatever topic they came up with and Sooyeon was impressed (and later appreciated) with how witty Suho's remarks were and how insightful he was. She felt like he easily kept up with her pace and even though he always chided/scolded her for playing tricks, he never forcefully stopped her either (and Sooyeon even caught him laughing at a few of her sucessful pranks that were more public). 


Before she could figure it out, Sooyeon started falling for Suho and Suho started feeling the same as he talked to Sooyeon more, and found out that there was a warm and playful girl behind her sarcastic and blunt exterior.

scene requests || 

If prefects and head boys/girls get used in the story, I think it'd be cool if Suho was one so he could catch Sooyeon when she's playing pranks or doing something wrong. If it's possible, I would probably make that how they meet or how they get to know each other often. If not, then I can just leave it as Suho somehow always managing to be in the same places at the same time Sooyeon is. 8)

ending ||

When word gets out about the Death Eaters recruiting a new army and planning to attack the school, the moment Suho finds out he's instantly worried that Sooyeon might be tempted to join them because of the house she's in and since she is a Pureblood (he didn't know that Death Eaters weren't recruiting people with disregard to their lineage, but his books said otherwise so). So he finds and confronts her and at first, Sooyeon is offended that he would judge her based on her background (something she hates people doing) so she says "Maybe I will join them after all." It was mostly said out of her spur-of-the-moment anger but later, she realizes Suho was only worried about her (as he said himself when he tries to apologize) and decides to fight side-by-side with him and the rest of the school.

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dumbledore's army.

sixth years || 

core classes || 

» Astronomy
» Charms
» Defense Against the Dark Arts
» Potions

electives || 

» Apparation
» Divination


unforgivables || 

» imperio
» crucio
» avada kedavra


incantations || 

tickling charm || rictusempra
summoning charm || accio
levitation charm || wingardium leviosa
jelly-legs curse || locomotor wibbly
water-making spell || aguamenti
fire-making spell || incendio
disarming charm || expelliarmus

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for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat.


 gryffindor  || 

what do you think of harry potter? || "Harry Potter? My parents told me he did a lot of good for the Wizarding World but others have told me that he was kind of annoying and complained a lot. I don't really know what to think of him, I guess."

what do you think of the slytherins? || "The best people you will ever meet."

if a ravenclaw and a hufflepuff were in danger, who would you choose to save? || "A hufflepuff, I guess? They seem to be all about being nice so maybe I can use them to do a favor for me later in return for saving their ."


ravenclaw || 

which came first, the phoenix or the flame? || "I don't know... did one just poof into thin air before the other?"

what do you think of the gryffindors? || "They cause just as much trouble as Slytherins do, yet they're still viewed as good people. And they're really loud."

knowledge is... || "Something I don't have a lot of... but I'm still smart!"


hufflepuff || 

would you rather be liked or praised? || "I don't care, really. I get praised either way, so that's what matters. It's only a bonus if they like me. If they don't, then their loss."

what do you think about hogwarts? || "I like it enough. It's definitely more entertaining than my old school and I haven't been bored yet."

would you rather betray your friends or betray your family? || "My friends. Family are irreplacable and have always been there for me; friends have not and can be fickle so I can just find new ones, but I can't find new parents."


slytherin || 

what do you think of lord voldemort? || "He looks weird... like if a fetus were to grow, but still kept it's same face. It makes sense that someone so creepy-looking would be feared by many."

what do you think of the gryffindors? || "Eh? I have to talk about them again? Totally not worth my time, to be honest..."

your housemates are becoming death eaters. many of them are your friends, and they ask you to join them. what do you do? || "Being a pureblood, people would probably expect me to join but I wouldn't just so I can prove them wrong... Also because my parents told me to use my magic for good and if becoming a death eater meant I had to hurt or even kill someone without a second thought then I don't want to be one. Plus, those dark marks are big and ugly and I would hate to have to cover that up in the summer when it's hot and sweaty."

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you have your mother's eyes.

questions || nothing!


comments || I love you for making this??? I haven't read HP in a LONG while, and the last time I watched a HP movie was when the final one came out in theatres, so immediate HP knowledge is kind of lost on me but thank god for google & the harry potter wiki orz anyways, good luck with the story! even if I don't get picked, I'll still read anyways because I'm that interested hehehe. and I'm sorry that this is kind of long!

scene requests || did I hear ? is always ok with me. and cute, fluffy scenes that make me claw from all the sugar.


oh, since my love interest would be in ravenclaw and sooyeon's closest friend ara is in ravenclaw, I think it'd be kind of funny if sooyeon constantly bugged ara to find out stuff about her love interest for her since she doesn't want to come off as too interested or something b/c sooyeon is weird like that.

how many horcruxes? || VII
hogwarts motto? || Never tickle a sleeping dragon.

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glowbug #1
of course, you're a slytherin hehe.
but if you want to be a hufflepuff, or a gryffindor, or a ravenclaw, that's okay.
just reply with your choice!

and omg i love the idea of suho as a head
even though he's not the oldest
he's like so mature.

i also like your bottom scene request -- the idea of sooyeon bugging ara! if you get picked i'll ( probably /cough ) definitely use that.

thanks for applying! good luck o w o