What have I done to Myself?T.T

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I'm still alive!

Okay, so not much happened today except the part where I received a load of homework=.= Gahd, why must I live like this?

Not gonna fret around anymore.... So, my english teacher gave us some stuff to do. She told us to write down words that could describe our personality.... I wrote down my name, and thought of a personality for each of the alphabets from my names.... After a few minutes of thinking, I went crazy!

I didn't know my own self=.=' Aigoo~ At first, I was like playing around with my friend saying that I'm notorious, uber-cute, rough.... I started laughing with my friend when suddenly the bell rang and I was like, ", I haven't finish it! No! Homework!"

Yes... I wasted time laughing and ended up having homework? Great~

Seriously, I have issues... Like freaking issues! My tummy is growling, I'm hungry!T.T My mom is cooking something and I think it's done! Yeye! Eating time!

Chiao guys! Need to go! I've posted a new chappie for the story, "y, Kidnapped and Hitched" and also, I'll be updating my story, "Who the hell is she?!" in a few hours cuz I need to finish a lil' bit more of it^^ Hihi... so, wait up my lovely readersss! Bye-bye!


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Lol I wasted so much time in high school XD hahaha
omgosh Lee Joon is epic. Off to read about Micha c:
MissBunnyGyu #3
LOL better than me still....I arrived two hours late this morning at school...great way to start the year....
I had such a y first day back today. All my classes are super far from each other and in buildings I've never been in before and they were morning classes and there was so much traffic and I got home two hours after my classes ended and I want to cry. T~T But then I remembered it's Music Monday and then I see your adorable blog with CHENCHEN OMG I LUVZ YOU~~~ He's going to be my best friend that helps me hook up with Kris. ;) Seriously though. I know other people have probably said this but your blogs are awesome. <3
i don't have any homework yet, but it's the first day back and i have a science resit on Wednesday and an English GCSE on Thursday *cry* i should be okay though... if iv'e been revising the right science module *panics* Bad luck on the homework *sympathy face* :3
That happens to me too xD
I love you too Daehyunnie!♥♥
PaboForSJ #7
Aww~ I haven't received any homework yet~ But I'm sure very soon, I'll end up the same as you~ TT^TT
U started school already?!
I still haven't. ._______.
FACK. I'm supposed to be in school but I'm sick so I can't go... I'll have a truck load of homework =.=
lol i so do what u do all the time. i hate procrastinating so much but i just cant stop doing it. the last gif just made me squeal its so cute >.<
haha LOL. i also always does the same thing in class. but now it's my senior year. So im more serious for the upcoming exam. But yeah that habit was kinda hard to get rid of.