JEWELS Application


~AFF User~

Profile Name: keykim

Profile Link: keykim

What to call you:^^


~About You~

Full Name: Kim Ah Joong

Birthdate/Age: February 26, 1991 / 21

Birthplace: Busan

Height: 162 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Blood Type: A

Stage Name: A.J.K

Nickname(s): Joong 

Ethnicity/Nationality: Korean

Languages-How Fluent: Korean (fluent), English (Conversational)

How you got discovered: Scouted at a school event when she was performing

Years of Training/From what age: 4 years/ 17 years old

Trainee history: She was scouted during one of her school's charity event show in Seoul that she participated in at 17. She works hard to be the best that she can and is popular among the trainees and staff members due to her determintation and friendliness.


Ulzzang Name: Mikki

Ulzzang Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 

Back-up Ulzzang: Jang Hae Byeol

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5


Mother: Im (Kim) Hye Mi | 46 | Nurse | Her mother is caring and sweet, who tries to spend as much time as possible with her family.

Father: Kim Jong Shin | 52 | Physics professor | He is an intelligent and kind man who tries to be as involved as possible in his family's lives, and always calls Ah Joong frequently to talk to her.

Siblings/Pets- N/A



  • Scared of insects and snakes and is easily scared, even by fakes, and will scream and run away
  • Intelligent but can sometimes be slow in getting things (eg. stares directly at a hidden camera for a while before getting that it's a camera, takes some time to get jokes, etc.)
  • Writes songs
  • Likes Jeremy Scott designs and likes to dress up
  • Wears heels very often to boost her height
  • Speaks English because she has been sent over on an exchange to America a few times
  • Doesn't cry in front of members and wants to be a pillar of support for them


  • Wakes up early in the morning to make breakfast for members and to tidy up the house
  • Taps her feet and nods her head to the beat of the music


  • Taking photos and collecting newspaper clippings to add to her scrapbook of herself and the members
  • Singing
  • Listening to music
  • Writing lyrics

Motto: Do what you love and love what you do


She grew up in a pretty tight knit family and is thus close to her parents. They have sent her on multiple exchange programs overseas to study so that she may have more experience in the world and also to help build her independence. She was scouted in Seoul while on a trip for the charity performance and moved there after she got accepted as a trainee to live in the dorm while her parents live in Busan.


  • Charismatic and full of swag when performing
  • Seems 'cool' but is really caring and kind-hearted once you get to know her
  • Friendly and outgoing
  • Loves a good laugh and likes to play games with members and staff (eg. video games, board games)
  • Matured and acts like a mother (eg. cleaning, cooking, laundry, lecturing and nagging, disciplining members, etc.)
  • Although matured, she can still have a childish side to her and enjoys talking to the camera
  • Likes to go and support her friends when she can (eg. filming, performing, etc.)
  • Works hard in everything she does and doesn't give up
  • Wants to be a good leader
  • Isn't someone who does aegyo but it happens to her sometimes without her realising it herself
  • Keeps a scrapbook of every member, much like a mother
  • Will immediately back up her members and the people she cares about

~Social Life~

Friends: Other trainees

How you met them: Trainees together

Bestfriends: N/A

How you met them: N/A

Rival(s) N/A

Reason for rivalry: N/A

~Love Life~

Love Interest(Highlight): 

Lee Jinki (Onew)

Kim Jonghyun

Kim Kibum(Key)

Choi Minho 

Lee Taemin

How you met: When she was a trainee, he came by to meet the trainees and they met for a little while.

How long have you known him: 3 years

Any scene requests: None at the moment.

~Individual FanClub-Names and Colors(Highlight)~

Click to view the gem. 







~Role (Highlight which one you want)~ 

Leader, Main Vocalist 

Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper

Lead Vocalist, Visual

Sub-Vocalist, Main Rapper

Main Dancer, Vocalist

(Maknae shall be chosen accordingly) 

~Almost Done!~

Comments? Hope I get in but I'm really interested for the story to start^^

Scene Requests? None at the moment.

Idea for Debut Song? 2NE1 - Fire

Password: Bbuing-bbuing



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