Infinite Pets : Choi Woomin

Choi Woo Min
» AFF Username (please hyperlink):sj_swag15

» Character's Name: 
» Age:19
» Ethnicity: Full Korean (by blood), but considers herself Korean-American
» Birth Place: Kansas, USA

» Ulzzang or Idol Name: Lee Eun Jin
» Photo Links:
» Back Up Name: Ara (Hello venus)
» Photo Links :
» Style: Woomin never wears dresses. Thats the end of that. Her wardrobe consists of jeans, and oversized sweatshirts. She has a single blouse, and light pink dress pants for special occasions, as well as work, and thats it. Her shoes? Oh even worse. All she owns are worn out sneakers, and a single pair of flats for special occasions. Make up is a foreign word to her, and the only kinds that she owns are a bottle of  BB cream, concealer, and a clear lipgloss. 
» Anything Else?: A birth mark the size of a quarter and the shape of a leaf is on the inside of her right wrist.
» Plot Line: New Employee
» Back-Up: Chef in training
» Likes:
  • Gaming. Her PS3 is probably her most prized possesion.
  • Chocolate. Almost to the point of addiction, this sweet will always be in every pocket and bag she owns.
  • Debates. Psh, who says they're arguements? Woomin prefers the word debates.
  • Stars. Not celebrities, but legit stars that shine and dance in the night sky.
  • Dance. Watching people dance is the most exhilerating feeling ever. It would have been nice if Woomin had been born with her mother's dancing genes. Poor seunghyun hadn't gotten them either.
  • Gardening. Gives her a chance to clear her mind, and it also reminds her of her childhood,
  • Running. A prized runner throughout her school years who was able to snatch a record of 5:34 mild time.
  • People who can agree with her. These people are honestly hard to find, and I kid you not, when Woomin finds one of these people a conversation changes into an intense lecture. It can be fun though...
» Dislikes:
  • Skinship. Hugs, holding hands, kisses; these she can only tolerate her parents doing. Never anyone else.
  • Rubber bands. The ones with the potential to fling, and injure someone. 
  • Repetition. Repeating questions, or being asked the same question is something she hates.
  • Ice cream. Its not chewy, its not soft, and its cold. Its just messed up.
  • Enclosed spaces or crowds. She feels unsteady, and even breathing is hard.
  • People who abandon. Self explanitory, is it not? Especially since she's a vet.
  • People who depend solely on money or riches. No one should be better than another just because they have more pieces of green cloth in their pocket.
» Personality:
» Woomin is like dog. A stubborn puppy that won't let go of something she wants. I say puppy, because of her childish way of thinking, though. Always studying, she had never really built up her social status or circle, and had the same way of thinking as she did when she was a high school newbie. This explains her lack of friends, as well as unpleasent attitude towards others. This is only an attitude though, as Woomin is a completely naive, and curious soul. She falls too fast, and too hard for her own good,but usually forgets her love interest with animals, willpower, and anything else it takes to get over someone. Her vast knowledge makes up for her lack of social experience, and is usually found bluntly corecting others. She isn't afraid of people of authority, and can easily express her opinions and convince others.
Woomin is not all powerful and rude, though, and is loving and caring to only two things: people she has let into her heart, and of course, animals. Her image when taking care of an infant cat, or a suffering dog is enough to make anyone wonder whether she is the actual Woomin they know. Woomin's friends know full well the amount of sacrifices she can go through for them, and wonder why she doesn't bother being kinder to others. What they don't realize, is that the scars of the heart (especially by bullying, and rejection) can leave a large impact, and go a long way. Now all she needs, is a little love. Of course, her older brother does all he can to protect her from any future heartbreak, but a busy model can only do so much for a vet. Her brother isn't all that useless though, as he has gotten Woomin out from many dangerous men problems in the past; the poor girl just couldn't seem to wrap her naive head around the fact that there are really bad men in the world.
Woomin will show signs of weakness often, and is quite sensitive to some things. Her habit of clinging to something when she gets claustrophobic still pops out here and there.  Old habits die hard, and no matter how much shes brainwashed herself to speak in a Seoul accent, the Busan one she was used to speaking in Kansas comes out without warning. It always seems as if she hides her smile for special occasions; she doesn't decide when its special or not, its just thats the only possible explanation otheres have come up with. Woomin smiles at the most random times: when she's reading, when she watches an animal sleep, when she's zoning out, and the list goes on. These all connect back to her first love, who broke up with her then took her back only as a joke. Woomin decided to forget the latter situation, and keep memories of the first in the back of her head to take out and remember every once and a while. Call her a bit boy crazy, but this is only natural for this stubborn girl who secretly believes in love.
» Background:
» Woomin was born in a hillbilly town, in a hillbilly state. She thought her life was fabulous, until her aunt came to visit. After the visit were boring days full of daydreams and wishes of moving to the amazing New York. Everything in her once fabulous town dulled down to nothing more than an outcasted city. She soon convinced everyone at school that she would be a star on a shimmering stage performing for only the most prestigious figures. High school came and her dream never turned out to what if would be. Almost as soon as her dream diminished, news of her family's move to Chicago was announced. It wasn't as great as New york, but it was close enough to send Woomin into hysterics.
Her happiness was short lived, however, as bullies of the infamous Dodger High targeted her, and made her life a living hell. She couldn't tell Seunghyun either. He was adjusting quite well and Woomin would just be holding him back. Woomin vowed to live better than they ever would, and her grades drastically improved. She now had a set dream she was racing to as well: a veterinarian. She wasn't the loud, peppy Woomin anymore; she actually went through a harsh change and became a cold, quiet girl who easily blended into the crowd. Woomin had easily gotten into Seoul University in Korea, and decided on her future there.
» Family Members:
-Choi Seunghyun | 25 | Older brother | Model
- Choi MiAe | 55 | Mother | Unemployed/ stays at home
- Choi Joowon | 57 | Father | Author
-Choi Jina | 16 | Younger sister | Student
» Friends:
  • Lim Haneul | Pianist | 20
  • Jung Eunji | Designer-to -be | 19
» Protective Older Brother
» Name: Seunghyun Choi
» Photo links:
» Scene request?: Arguemeeeent~ LOL where things get really intense and heated, and theres screaming and yelling and destroying stahff. no hurting anyone though. XD
(later when things are more developed) a force kiss <3 like Woomin is trying to get out and Hoya/ woohyun holds her tight and stuff :3
» Comments? Questions?:
Fighting Fighting for the fic! <3



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actually it would be HOYA kissing her oops xD
Hi! It's patbingsoojung~ Thank you for subscribing and applying! I liked your character and her personality is quite unique. I almost thought wrong when you said she was like a 'dog'... XD but anyways, it was pretty solid, not too long, not too short, just right. Her background is a little shaky, but it's good. SO she lived in kansas then she wanted to go to newyork but ended up going to chicago? hehe it was a little hard to follow. I like your second scene request and it would be Woohyun who kisses her. Who would the arguement be between?
That's all :) THank you again for applying, good luck!
Oh and if you want more about why she wanted to be a vet you can tell me OTL I felt like it was getting a little long so I wasnt really clear on that part