Must Write...

I just noticed that I have 14 stories in all and have only completed 3.


Why are there so many?! Must stop writing new stories and finish the older ones!

If some of your guys read my stories, which one should I update? I can't choose and then write nothing! XD

Like, seriously suggest or I will just let more time pass OTL. I shall just stare at you like this until you say something haha


It probably will make us both awkward, and I'm already awkward enough for everyone! Will just laze around with my strange gifs XD And my cute one's too~

Well, then...






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sarangjinyounghalbae #1
please update "Hide your Past for me" :DDDD
Imaspy #2
Yeah! I noticed the other day.
DeullieSa34 #3
Update "Hide your past for me" and "I tired my best to trust you",please~~~~I like this two story the most~~~
Please update "Can't you Care a Little" and "don't follow me; it's scary", PPLLEEAASSE!!!
Those are the ones I'm subscribed to. :)