League of Legends

This is really weird, but does anyone know League of Legends?

Everyone in my school plays it (#peerpressure) and it seems really fun. Although, I think this game is mainly targeted for guys I STILL WANT TO PLAYYY.

I really want to play it, but I'm not sure if I should. I feel like it will impact my grades a lot and be time consuming, considering my grades aren't even that good (i'm averaging like a B which is such a fail for my asian-ness). What should I do? D: Apparently each game only lasts about an hour though.... idkkk. Can someone tell me if it's worth starting to play? I'm scared that I'll get addicted to it and never be able to stop O~O


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denzieXshinee124 #1
its a fun game and it is time consuming. i play it a lot but only on the weekends. if you play it during the week when you have school and other things to focus on then it can mess you up.if you can separate your school life from your game life then you'll be fine. it doesn't matter if you're a girl LOTS of girls play it. the games that last an hour are the PVP games. if you play co op vs. bot games then its only like 20-30 mins, sometimes a little longer if you have leavers or trolls. you can start playing if you want it's really fun, but if you do start to get addicted then you can always find something else that you like more than league of legends.