Note {노트} Application | [Ooi Nikisya]







I wanna get to know you…

Username: zahra


Character's Name: Ooi Nikisya


•Niki [a common nickname used to shorten her name. used by almost everyone]

• Gomu Baendeu [korean for 'rubber band' as her body is extremely flexible since she's a rhythmic gymnast. often shortened to 'gomu (rubber)'. used by her group members, her manager and the ceo.]

• Ki-young [a korean name her friends gave to her. used by her group members and few of her friends]

• Kiki [a special nickname specially used by her older brother's elias and danial and possibly her love interest]

• Nick [a nickname used in a teasing manner by whoever when she's man-like whenever it comes to her strength and athletic ability.]

Male or Female: Female

Date of birth: 04/13/97

Age: 16

Entthicity: Father; Korean, Mother: Malay-Chinese

Birthplace: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Hometown: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia until she reached the age of eleven, then she lived in Seoul, South Korea.

Languages: Korean (fluent, though still has some problems), Malay, English (fluent; native)




Wow, such an attitude…


Niki has this complexity to her personality that can't be deciphered completely, but can be streamed through enough for you to understand how this girl works.

"At first glance, and when with the people I love,"

She's at first, shy, very cool and collected, quiet and calm. She doesn't approach people at all because she has terrible social skills and she would end up stammering like an idiot instead of actually talking and breaking the ice. She lets the person approch her first and if that person manages to make her somewhat comfortable, she's immdiately warmed up and the shyness fades a little. When she's around friends and family is another story. With her walls stripped down around people close to her, she's a completely different person. Talkative, energetic and most definitely weird. She's not afraid to dance randomly while walking on the streets bored or act goofy and crack lame jokes. Again, this complex only appears when she's around people she's close to. If around many people that she should impress (like a roomfull of idols she hasn't met), she'll become that cool and quiet one, waiting for someone to talk to her.

"On-screen, but off-screen can be quite different,"

While on camera though, Niki becomes that dorky, goofy, outgoing and weird sixteen year old girl. Even though she's funny, she has an air of maturity to her whenever and wherever, not acting cutesy (as some people dub her cuteness 'natural') and answering questions wittily and bluntly. The charisma shines through naturally and her humour and comic personality amuses and impresses many people. On stage performing, she exerts a very lively presence, doing her best to impress the people and have them enjoy the performance too. Despite that, she's amazingly hot-headed. She gets annoyed and irritated easily but keeps in her anger most of the time until one day she explodes out of white rage and will start yelling and screaming, sometimes even violently throwing things around the room just to let it all out. She's also very sensitive, like many people say, 'she can't even take a joke,' getting offended easily. She's fine with pranks, they're all for laughs and all, but anything remotely offensive, eventhough meant as a joke, will have her sulky.

"I'm just a teenage girl after all,"

Just like any other teenager going through the process of growing up, she experiences extreme mood-swings, going from happy to moody with a slight push. Though, she's extremely skilled at keeping in her emoitions. Niki is viewed as very weak and baby-faced to the public, and she doesn't mind that, but she's very strong. She went through many many years old rhythmic gymnastics training, learning discipline, and how to be strong. She's much stronger than she looks. She believes crying/shedding tears is a sign of weakness, as she often got scolded by her coach for crying and 'being weak'. That's the reason why she can hold in her emotions easily. Besides that, growing up with two older brothers was tough, but that ALSO built up her strength (with all the pranks and fists fights; her brothers did not go easy on her), so she can easily defend herself. She's practically one of the most athletic girl's out there. That being said, she's extremely protective of her friends and family as they're the ones who have helped her go through everything. She's a very greatful person and is extremely sincere when it comes to the people she loves.

"In the end, I'm only human, and I've got a skeleton in me,"

To keep things simple, Niki is quite different. She gets lost into her own world very easily when daydreaming or reading, causing her to block out the whole world. Despite that, she's extremely analytical of almost everything and anything. As much as she cares about the people she loves, she can't shake off one trait. Selfishness. She often thinks about herself and her benefits before others, but she is trying to get rid of the trait (Though no signs of luck).She's also extremely naive when it comes to boys, as she never got the chance to explore the world of relationships and first kisses. (She hasn't had her first kiss!) But, she treats guys like they're just her buddies and she's considered to be 'one of the guys' at times. But finally, she's a hardworking teenager who's just finding herself in the world of idols.


Background Life:

Born to a middle-class family in the middle of Malaysia, Niki never really bothered about her Korean roots. She was happy in the place she called home, Malaysia, her mother's hometown. Her father, Ooi Dae-Ho also never bothered to reveal anything about his past. Her mother, Aliya Ooi, didn't want to tell Nikisya anything for some strange reason. Despite that, they were a happy family of five, though having the usual family conflicts sometimes, but still, happy. 

Niki went to normal Malaysian public schools, living a perfectly average life (which included loving to sing, dance and fangirl with her friends) and of course, the rhythmic gymnastics training she had to go through since she was seven. She attended dance classes and loved doing what she was doing. Her two older brothers, Elias Ooi and Danial Ooi troubled most of the time, but she loved them none the less.
Until the starting of her eleventh year, something happened. She arrived home from school like always, homework piling up in her school bag, stomach full from snacks she bought from the convenience store. As she stepped in the door, her father dragged her in and informed her that they were moving to South Korea, to her father's side of the family. That surprised her for a few moments, and then came denial. She refused to believe that they were moving on such short notice, trying to convince herself that her father was simply joking. But of course, her denial ended about an hour later and she found herself crying on the floor not wanting to leave the place she called home.
However, since she had no one to take care of her if she was to stay, Niki was forced to go with her family to South Korea. And a couple days later, they left Malaysia for Korea and she had to say goodbye to her home.
They had to move because her father's mother was dying and it was her last wish for her youngest son to make amends with his family and take care of her. She then discovered the reason her Korean family was never mentioned. Her father's family never approved of his relationship with her mother when they were younger but they loved it each other a lot so they decided to elope. Hearing this, Niki's grandfather was enraged and abandoned her father, so they moved to Malaysia, where her mother's family was perfectly fine with her parents relationship. So they raised their family in Malaysia.
Her first year of Korea was harsh to her. People stared her down since she wasn't good in Korean despite being one (technically), and she was left out. Even though she found another club to practice rhythmic gymnastics in,s he missed Malaysia and she wanted to go back. Her second year came and even though she grew close to her grandmother, she died; but somehow, life picked up for Niki then on. She managed some friends and started dancing again, soon after; she took up an offer from a big dancing company. 


• Stuffed animals [Stuffed animals have been Zara's accompant's for a long time. She even keeps a collection in her dorm.]

• Rainy days [They remind her a lot of her hometown, Malaysia. she often goes through a form of nostalgia whenver it rains]

Travelling [Who doesn't want to travel around the world?]

• Clothes that are easy to move in [She finds really stiff clothes that are hard to move in extremely annoying so whenever she gets the chance, you'll only see her in sweat pants and a sweat shirt.

• Performing [Niki feels alive whenever she's on stage]

• Tea [People love coffee; Niki loves tea]



◘ Tomatoes [She has hated them since she was a kid. Theres just something about those slimy little seeds and it's taste that makes Niki want to puke.]

◘ Earrings [She doesn't want to get her ears pierced.]

◘ Dry weather [It irritates her skin and gives her a reason to use her face lotion almost all the time]

◘ People with little to no common sense [They annoy her to no end. As she says it, "You have a brain, USE IT."]

◘ Heavy makeup [The cakey feelings she gets when all that makeup is on her face is extremely irritating and uncomfortable.]

◘ Pork [Growing up in Malaysia, where pork isn't tolerated very well, she grew to dislike it.]



• Dancing  [It's an easy release.]

• Writing [She enjoys writing stories]

• Napping [Niki with enough rest is a happy Niki]

• Dancing/Singing/rapping [Easiest way of a release. She often does any of the three when she's in a deep pit.]

• Physical activities [Whether it's dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, basketball or anything else that can help her sweat, she'll love it. She finds it stress relieving.]



• Moving sround and kicking a lot when she's asleep. 

• Bites/chews on the skin sround her nails whenever she's in deep thought or when she's nervous

• Doing random/weird dances when she's bored/nervous/anxious

• Blurting out Malay/English when she's distracted or not thinking properly



• Extremely flexible due to the fact that she was a rhythmic gymnast (and she still practices it)
• Blood type: B +
• She names every single one of her stuffed animals
• Allergic to cats and dogs even if she loves them
• Carries sweets around with her in case her friends/members get sleepy
• Has a phobia for the dark
• Favourite colours are blue and peach



Look at me, beautiful…

Ulzzang: Kang Hye Yeon

Pictures: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Back-up ulzzang: Han Byul

Pictures: one, two, three



Your family, friends, and lover…

Family: Ooi Dae-Ho | 47 | father | alive | Niki's father is a warm, funny and respected man. Even though he's very strict at times Niki loves him a lot. He can be very hot-headed. He silently dispproves Niki's choice to stay in Lemonize to become an idol. However, whenever they meet, they end up bickering at each other in the end. 

Ooi Aliya | 45 | mother | alive | She's an extremely likeable woman who cares about her family a lot. She can get along with people easily. She's quite calm and patient. She balances out her husband like Ying and Yang. She supports her daughter throughout anything, and wants her to be happy.

Ooi Elias | 21 | older brother | He's mature, straight-faced, strict and blunt, a top student at his law school. But at the sight of his baby sister, he melts and immediately becomes a teasing, caring and babying older brother. He roots on for Niki and helps her through everything even if he's super busy.

Ooi Danial | 18 | older brother| Danial is the playful, cheeky one out of Niki's two older brothers. He's a definitive playboy, as she often gets introduced to a new girlfriend every other month. He teases her constantly and takes life easily. Danial is a genius and often described as a 'prodigy' when he was younger. Dislikes Niki's ongoing path towards idolship and describes the idol career as 'rubbish'. They also almost always end up arguing with each other whenever they meet even though they love each other.


Best Friends:

Kim Hana | 16 | schoolmate/trainee | Hana was Niki's first friend in Korea. They discovered their mutual interests at an after-school club, and hit it off after that. Hana was the one who recommended Niki to try out for Lemonize with her. They often go out for tea whenever they can and can easily tell each other anything.


Goo Eun Gyeol | 19 | trainee buddies | When she got bunked to another dance class in Lemonize, Eun Gyeol helped her out a lot and she's been very close to him since then. They have a very close oppa-dongsaeng relationship.

Min Jinhee | 18 | brother's ex-girlfriend | Probably the only girlfriend Danial had that became friends with Niki. She was one of the first few girlfriends he had and was the only sweet one then. She helps her out with boys and fashion and problems that are very 'girl' related.


Gong Minji (Minzy) | 18 | member of 2NE1 |Minzy thinks of herself highly most of the times and Niki can't help but shoot her down, sometimes intentional, sometimes not. They often rival in almost everything, Minzy citing that she's better than Niki at anything, and since competitiveness can take over her at anytime, she fight's back.

Status: Niki's family is of slight above average status. With the inheritence they recieved from her late-grandmother, the Ooi's have been quite okay and are cautious with money, while both her parent's jobs are stable. Danial has a part-time job at a cafe to help out with the fees of his older borther's law school (and it's also a way to pick up girls). They're mantaining the status quite smoothly, though they might have some hitches at times.


Lover interest: Cha Sun-woo (Baro) of B1A4

How you met + relationship: They met around the time when Note was promoting their song/debuted. They became easy friends are goofed around, where he gave her his number and they started to text each other. She is comforatble enough aorund him to call him, 'oppa'.

Picture: one, two, three, four

Back-up lover interest: Choi Jun-hong (Zelo) of B.A.P

How you met + relationship: They ended up doing a special stage on a music show and became friends fro mthe practice sessions. She's slightly awakward around him and blushes whenever he compliments and has eye contact with her.

Picture: one, two, three



Time to shine

Stage Name: Nikki

Persona: Dorky Flower

Position: thriple threat or main rapper, lead dancer

Personal fanclub: Ni-kites

Personal fanclub color:  salmon (#ff9999)

Traiee history: It was especially hard for Niki in terms of school and grades. She was having difficulties keeping awake in class and finishing her homework. Teachers omplained and people avoided her. Her grades dropped a lot her first year in Lemonize and her father threatened to pull her out of the label, but due to the threat, her grades went up again and stayed up as she feared she would get pulled out because she loved it so much at Lemonize (plus, Hana would've killed her if she was pulled out).. She took in all the criticism and gained a lot of experience, though she had some problems with her vocals at first since she wasn't the most trained in vocal ability, but eventually her voice developed and she gained, a nice smooth voice which was easy to hear to.

Years of training: 3 years

Other occupations: actress. if not, host.




comments: I hope you like Niki! Ugh, why did it take so long to write this up? ><;; If there's anything you'd like me to fix, please tell me! I love you and Note. ♥

personal requests: Probably an acting career? Maybe a drama or a sitcom. 





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