Determine Your Life with iTunes


Put your iTunes on shuffle and see the soundtrack to your life
  • Opening credits: The Day Before - Nell (This song is so beautiful. I love it so much. Whenever I watch the music video - I cry. It's such a powerful video and the song just makes it even more so.)
  • Waking up: Queen - Son Dam Bi (This is kind of funny. The chorus goes Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake-wake up. iTunes, you know what you talking about.)
  • Falling in love: Shine - Kim Sung Gyu (I love this song so feakin much!)
  • Fight song: White Love - Starship Planet (....iTunes, you were doing so well. What the hell is this? How does this even come anywhere close to a 'fight song'...)
  • Breaking up: Young Love...Far Away - C-Clown (This is interesting)
  • Getting back together: Lovey-Dovey - T-ARA (This is awesome! Let's have dancing party time and get over our differences!)
  • Wedding: Love Style - Boyfriend (This is kind of appropriate. The lyrics sort of match with this situation)
  • Birth of child: Thank You - Nell (This song is sad...and so beautiful. Seriously all of Nell's songs are so poetic and beautiful. If you haven't heard any go and listen to some. They're awesome!)
  • Final battle: Round and Round - U-Kiss (Bring it es~)
  • Death scene: Nilriri Mambo - Block B (I don't quite know what went through your mind iTunes...I'm not a pirate. I won't be dying from being shot because I misplaced Zico's diamonds...but still - I love the song)
  • Funeral song: Punishment - Roh Ji Hoon (Uhm...What!! WTF iTunes! I didn't do anything bad though...)
  • End credits: The Chaser - INIFNITE (One of my all-time favourite songs! Love this song so freakin much!!!)

Stolen from tripandfall

This was some good fun.

[adapted from Tumblr]



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You have mentioned the song---A Day Before, a couple of times through your blog posts. So I decided to check that out last time and...I totally fell in love with it.
It is really such a powerful video.
omg XD I'm trying that... after I eat /rushes off/