Sometimes I Wonder...

I have to wonder how many writers on AFF are actually 12 year old s with little to no self esteem.

I wonder because whenever I actually take the time to check the front page, all the stories are about how the ugly, stupid, poor, etc. girl is hated by everyone and always gets picked on somehow magically meets the rich, handsome, whatever whatever guy who has never met this girl or had a conversation with her, gets him to fall in love with her, and her life becomes perfectly perfect.

I don't mind fairytales, but damn, that's a bit of overkill don't you think? I swear, I wonder if actual Korean people use the terms Queen/Kingka as much as I see it used on this site. And why does the girl have to be so damn pitiful? Nobody's life that much. If your life that much you wouldn't have time to write about it and share it with people online. You'd be too busy being depressed about your misery. By the way, 50 Cent and Rain lied to you. There's no such thing as a "magic stick" so looking for Mr. I Can Fix Everything With a Smile and  isn't actually going to fix anything.

I spend a lot of time on this website, and I mean a lot. There are amazing things on this site-one shots, short stories, everything. I have been emotionally invested in stories in a way I haven't been when I buy things from the bookstore, but those are the stories that no one ever reads. The authors have small followings but outside of that unless you search in very specific terms you miss out on great literature. When you point this out people seem to get offended. I'm not sorry that the "popular" stories are the same, recycled, cliched plot lines with weak heroines and deplorable grammar, color coded dialouge, and no sense of formatting at all.


Excuse me, I'm going through hetero withdrawls (but that's another rant in and of itself)


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zelosdongsaeng #1
This is so true. My stories are never like this. Others are too, but a fairytail story like that is like an Asian version of Cinderella. Unless your under 12, this is unacceptable. Saying that from a true asian heart, me.
Sparrownat97 #2
It's nice to know that someone has a different opinion about all the recent fics being made. And dont worry, I completely agree.
I agree! I think it's quite unfair since there are a lot of great and unique stories here that deserves to be featured more. Not the same cliche story lines that people likes.
I snickered when I saw this post. Cant explain it, but I found it funny... ^^