Rant and...Selca?

I know no one reads my emotional rants and such, I'm sure, but I have a few things I just need to get off my chest.

First of all, at the beginning of the 2013, only like 5 days ago, I had these great plans set of how I was going to lose weight, work harder to become better at singing and dancing, and finally begin walking on my own two feet towards my dreams.

Well, I can't diet at the moment due to doctor's orders, which leads to my next problem.

THEY WON'T LET ME DANCE. *fuuuuu* I have to quit dancing completely, and any other form of physical excersize besides walking that could possibly hurt my leg even more. What happened was, somewhere over the course of the dance season, I either got a really bad case of Chin's Splints, or I fractured my tibia. (a very important bone in my leg) They don't know for sure yet, because my dad doesn't have enough money to pay for an MRI.

I have to wait and do nothing with my left leg (besides walking) for 4-6 weeks at the least, and if it's still hurting, I have to get an MRI done and possibly have to get crutches for a period of time.


I am trying so hard not to give in and dance, but it's nearly impossible for me.

Lastly, about singing, I'm quiting choir next semester to take Japanese online. I do and don't want to do this because I want to continue increasing my experience and talent in singing, but I can't take vocal lessons because my parents refuse to pay for them. MYLIFE.

And I have a college Chemistry final in a week and a half, I'm dead.

I don't even want to be awake right now, because I'm such a mess.

I can't even roleplay right, so I'm hiatus-ing my rp accounts for the time being, and it .

Anyways, I'm gonna go curl up in a ball and die now. *sarcasm*

Love chu guys. <3


(P.S. Please don't take this post too seriously, I'm not utterly depressed, I'm just a little upset over everything right now.)


*Random Selca to lighten the mood*



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Aww, I'm sorry :c
I feel soo bad for you (no offense)! I thought I was having a bad life, lol. I'm jealous of you though! >.< I can barely dance without looking like some fool and I have no patience with myself to get better.
When I read your goals, I was like, "wow." - I have the exact same goals (and to study more into the medical/science fields)! I want to lose weight but I just can't stop eating esp. when I can't get out of my own home. ;-;.
It's good you're not really depressed! It's still early in the year, I KNOW good things will happen for you in the future (okay, maybe, I THINK). You sound nice. ^.^.

By the way, you're very very pretty. I'm very jealous of you right now! >.<
I hope you get better!
is that your selca? sooo pretty ^^