What happened to me?

When was the last time that I draw? I don't even remember...

One of the things that I also like to do besides writing is drawing, and it is suposed to be "I like writing besides drawing"


I think that the last time I draw was on a final school proyect that I ended up not liking it so I had to use a collage of all my drawings. D:



Don't get me wrong, I love to write stories but I haven't concetrated in what I know I am good at, drawing.



I remember before that I always carried my drawings every where I go and now? I am with my laptop or tablet... I haven't even made more videos of me drawing.



What happened to you Iannelli?




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WeirdA #1
Wow, you are talented.
Maybe you're missing inspiration to draw, personally my inspirations tend to shift a lot. You should do what makes you happy!