
Hello :o

I almost forgot to write today! Lol just in time! I finished off my contest entry for the B.A.P, and it's been sent to my editor so I only have to get it from her, review and it should be posted. -I just have to figure out how to post it to them XD 

But I think I kept up the suspense in it, and it's a pretty good read :) 

After boyfriend watches the Bengals game we're going to the store for dinner ingredients and he's making dinner tonight. The we have to get crickets for my toadies <3 they're hungry, and then icecream! It's been a long while since I've had icecream :P 

I have to go to work tomorrow, damnit. I hate it. So I don't know how many updates there will be, my hands will probably be injured a lot and I will be exhausted lol. But I will try :3

Peace :)



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Ooh icecream xP
Neonie wants somee unnie♡
I want to read the story as well :)