"TBH" APP Form


AFF Username: kyung1903

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/55046

State why you want to join: because I love seeing my character info get chosen & plus your plot is SERIOUSLY interesting! :D girls dressing up as guys, me likey! xP

E-Mail Address: [email protected]



Character Name: Shin MinKyu

Nickname: Kyu, Minkyu, Minnie

Date of Birth: 19th March 1995

Age: 16yrs old

Height: 174cm

Weight: 48kg

Blood Type: B

Place of Birth: Australia

Ethnicity: pure Korean

Spoken Language: (fluent) Korean, (semi-fluent) English & Chinese

Traits: Affectionate, Lively, Lazy, Calm, Gentle

Personality: Kyu is very passionate towards her precious friends and family especially towards her sister, She's everything to her and will do anything to keep her safe. She loves all kinds of animals. She usually does everything herself and rarely gets help from anyone. She loves being the centre of attention and is always forgetful expecially in memorizing lyrics. She hates losing to other people and is outgoing and is the type of person who loves to travel a lot. She'll spend her free time trying to perfect her dancing skills rather than being a girl who keeps on going shopping, but she has a sense of fashion. She is always caught off guard wandering and getting into her own 4-Dimensional world. That time, she may seem very cold and serious, so it's better to leave her alone unless you can snap her out of it with her favourite foods.




Name of Ulzzang: Kang Hye Yeon

Appearance: Has a long black hair with short clean-fringe.




Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Curly hair

Usually wears: A hoodie with a beanie under it with a pair of shorts.













Dad: Shin Jae Woon, 53, missing

Mom: Ahn Hyo Min, 51, alive

-unemployed. Very stubborn and bias to her children, she cares more for the younger one rather than the older child. It was because she always wanted a son but ends up with a first daughter. Very obsessive towards everything and blames Kyu for her husband getting lost. (Kyu's father went missing after her family business went bankrupt) It's not a loanshark deal or anything but he just ran away from everything and no one knows where the hell he is right now.


Sister: Shin Su Yeong, 12, alive

-a sweet yet caring sister who cares about her sister more than her parents because she spends most of her time with her sister, her own role model was to be like her sister. She's smart in studies and is patient in everything. She keeps all the secrets her unni told her and never even bother opening to  tell anyone about it.


Actual Background: 



How many times have you failed in auditions until you passed: 36

What were the usual comments on why you failed: Not confident enough

How were you discovered: Performed in a mini talent show where Kyu showed her/his impressive dancing talents but ends up losing to another dancing freak who was way better than him/her. Kyu was practicing in the streets when a woman just walked up to her and gave a card telling Kyu to audition.

How long have you been a trainee: 3 and 1/2 years

Trainee Experience: it was hard for the vocals part since Kyu isn't much of a vocalist, for dancing part, it was a piece of cake

Specialty: Dancing~

Weakness: Singing! (vocals)



Partner: Minho, Seungho, A.J

Fav. picture of him: Minho






How you met: Minho;at a dancing class

Seungho;at the gym

A.J;on the streets where he was chased by crazy fangirls & ends up helping him

Your first impression: Minho;he looks very mature to be in his age

Seungho;looks younger than his age, thought he was those hot hunks at the gym

A.J;thought he was a playboy for some weird reason

His personality: Minho;acts like he knows everything infront of Kyu, takes care of her very well:acts like stragers in boy mode

Seungho; takes care of Kyu very well and always ends up calling to check up on her:acts like close brothers/friends in boy mode

A.J;the one who doesn't care much in the outside but definitely is worrying his heart out in the inside:tends to bully and tease Kyu in boy mode

Any special moments with that special someone: All:none

Enemy: none

Why you hate her: none

Friends: Miss A's Jia

How you became friends: met at the same dancing class as Minho




Stage Name: Kyu

Position: Lead Dancer, Variety King

Persona: Aegyo King

Reason: He loves doing aegyo to everyone especially the fans

Other Jobs: Radio DJ, CF Model

Rival: BEAST Gikwang

Why is he/she your rival: He's always in his dancing mode whenever and wherever he is and always challenges Kyu for another showdown since he's way better in it and wants to prove to everyone

Character Overview: [Girl mode] She is very optimistic in everything, she cares about what other people are thinking. Especially when people comment about bad things about her, she'll definetly find her bad points and change it quickly. She hates getting blamed for something she didn't do, she'll just mutter/curse that person without them knowing but often heard by that person themselves. She's very outgoing and creative in ideas. She loves giving opinions to everyone and respects everyone well. If she loses her temper, all hell will break loose, no one, except the members in TBH can only calm her down. The other way is only dancing or screaming her lungs out. She may seem cool and normal, but she's different from everyone's first impression on her.

[Boy mode] Very charismatic onstage but very very very shy offstage. Likes to keep everything to himself, like obviously hiding from the fans. Trying to be the mysterious one. Gets bullied easily but always try to stay on his ground and fight back. Never like losing in anything especially dancing, since that's the only thing he's the best at. He loves cheering people up when they're really down and always aegyo when there's no other choice. He will also aegyo to get the thing he wants, example, his favourite food. He rarely gets angry in this mode and is always smiling no matter what happens.




Name of Ulzzang: Yamor

Appearance: Has a dark red highlights (his hair) 






Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Color: daark red highlights that can only be seen under the sun

Hair Style: (Ouh! how do i explain!? ><) Something like a bowl cut? :3

Usually wears: Long sleeved shirt with a pair of jeans















Likes: Surfing the net on iPhone, iPod, iPad, anything! , Sleeping , Eating , Taking Selcas

Dislikes: Bugs, Liars, Backstabbers, Cheaters, Mean-spirited, Hot-headed

Hobbies: Playing Basketball, Sleeping, Eating, Surfing Net

Habits: Pouts when bored, tend to fall asleep easily, rubs neck & stutter when nervous

Phobia/Fears: Heights

Talents: Cooking, Photography, Playing Piano and Violin


Personal/Individual Fandom: Cheesy Kyu

Fan's Name: Q-ers (Kyu-ers)

Fanclub Color: Turquoise

Fanclub Motto: none

Motto in life: Perfection is Boring

Definition of Love: Like the stars shining brightly in the dark sky

Ideal type & why: girl vers: Junyoung//ZE:A, boy vers: Krystal//f(x)

Addicted to: Oolong & Green Tea

Fav. Food: Bubble Milk Tea

Fav. Color: Black & White

Random facts about your character: 

- has a twitter account :p

-very good at tongue twisters

-crazed fanboy of G.Na

-has 3 ear piercings

-loves acting cute in front of everyone

-terrible in drinking (non-alcoholic), he'll act cute to all the members saying "I Love You" suddenly without any reason

-fulls of charisma onstage but very shy offstage



Family BG: an only child who came from an average family (not too poor, not too rich). Works at a Cafe before scouted and debut as a waiter.

How you were discovered: was scouted in a mini audition for the school she/he went to



Why do you want to be picked for our fanfic: Because I've never really been accepted as a girl charac much. T T. & I thought may be I'd try once more! & your plot is reallllllllyyyyy interesting! I'm not joking! I'll even comment if I don't get chosen O w O that is if I could get access to internet. xD

Do you think your character is good for this fanfic: may be? I'm not sure D:

Anything else you want to add: you can make their own webpage or something like wikipedia, stuffs xD and variety shows, etc :3


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