Not So Productive in AFF Lately

Despite not being very productive here lately, I'm still amazed with receiving comments and getting new subscribers T_T *tears of joy*


Also, I've been reading Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan and watching Filipino dramas while on my bed which makes me lazy to turn my laptop on since there's internet in my iphone anyway.


The thing is... I only write fanfics on my laptop XD  which is why for the past few days, I haven't written anything at all, but my mind was hard working with trying to come up with plots for my Red Riding Hood Society because I was afraid that I was losing touch.  Finally today, I'm on my laptop and it's amazing how my mind suddenly came up with something to write for the next chapter.  I deleted everything I wrote last time and wrote a new one which I'm much more satisfied.


I'm halfway done, but I'm going out tomorrow again with some friends and to buy shoes for the office since we have a new dress code policy X_X  Then on my second day off, I'll be accompanying my mom to the hospital again for her check up.  Hopefully, her cholesterol went down.


My author ranking has been slipping too~ That's fine with me since I haven't been active to begin with XD and I'm still getting at least 1 or 2 subscribers everyday <3


Now, let me get back to writing while I'm still in the mood.


Oh and if you guys might have some books to suggest for me to read, feel free to comment below~


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hae_ki #1
char~ ikapila naka sa author churvah?
kuan Sherlock Holmes nga mga books!!! ahahahahhaha adik much ra sa Sherlock? basaha na to imong mga To-Read Lists.. mao na ako sunod suggestions
it's a novel though and i bought it from a book store somewhere but it's really good and i finished it about 2 days.. try to find "When Passion Rules by Johanna Lindsey".
oooppps..typo.."My teacher is a ____ star" Now that's a good one XDD
how about "My Teacher is a ____ Star" That's a good on. And I'm really glad you're making a comeback. Do update RRHS soon. XDD