Anyone? :c

Anyone out there with a round face? Do you plan on or have full bangs? And Evan if you don't have a round face do you think full bangs would look good on a round face?? I'm thinking about getting full bangs but there are both negative and positive response to round faces with bangs so I'm not so sure :/ apparently it just makes you face look bigger but I thought they would be cute :c I'm to scared to get my hair cut yet as I don't know how it will turn out :/ so the question is DOES FULL BANGS LOOK GOOD ON A ROUND FACE? Please reply, Ty


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milleniums #1
I have a round structured face, but since I'm skinny, you can't really tell. I've had full bangs before--two or three times I think. The first time was traumatizing since my mom cut it way too short and I looked weird. The second and third were well, the second time my face was really chubby and I still looked reasonable. I, however, think full bangs are hindering because every time the wind blows (which is a lot around my area), my bands split in the middle and I looked ridiculous. I prefer side bands any day over full bangs.

But it's all your choice, I'm saying the wind factor is a major let down. And since it wasn't long enough for me to tie it or pin it, it made it look even more ridiculous.