What's your Anthem?

So I was clickin' through YouTube and playing some of my favorite songs when I clicked on what I like to call my 'Anthem' lol

You guys know what an Anthem is but unless u forgot...

I got u the deffinition.

                                                 Anthem:an·them  [an-thuh m]  noun


a song, as of praise, devotion, or patriotism

a piece of sacred vocal music, usually with words taken from the Scriptures.

a hymn sung alternately by different sections of a choir or congregation.


So I wanna know...

What's ur Anthem???

What song would you freak out to if a DJ were to play it?


(I'm not talkin' that "OMG I l know this song!" moment,

I'm talkin'about  that "OH MY GOOOOSH!!! THAT'S MY FRICKIN' JAM! TURN IT UP! TURN IT UP!!!)


A song that speaks to u or one that u can't stop listening to even if it's old.



My Anthem of All Time.:


This song is OLD lol but it brings back memories...


My Current Anthem:



I'm no Super Freak like Rihanna but..  (Hahaha)

this song always has me dancin' I can't even go a day without playing it.


So, yeah, what's ur anthem!?!?!?!? (Why I wanna know? Idk...I'm just nosey like that haha) 

Doesn't matter if it's an old song, new song, kpop, hip hop, Indie, Rap, Dubstep, all that good stuff! Hahahaha





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I hate you by urban Zakapa, or confetti by tori Kelly
Defhouseconvict #2
It's between Asa's jailer and The Cure's love song.
Lol I dnt think I have just 1 anthem, I just love to dance,and sing! But I like your anthems, reminds me of when music was music.