WOW my life >__

SOOOO I took my laptop to get fixed before I left for Pennsylvania... THAT WAS A MONTH AGO!!! They told me they replaced the hard drive and just needed the recovery disks soooo---- I went ALL the way back to my apartment to get them even though my car is almost out of gas--- They tell me two days tops and we will have it fixed all the way and you can take it home!! I was SO Happy!!! NOOOO They call me today to say they have to send it back out to the factory cuz the disks wouldn't install and they can't figure out why????? Give me my laptop back you bastards!!!! >____< It's bad enough all my data is erased and I have to start all my fan fiction over!!! So I asked how long that would take (after I calmed down) They Said Two Weeks!!! I hung up... This is really horrible.. Can't one thing in my life go right? It's bad enough I had to go to ing KENTUCKY to get my sister and bring her and my two year old niece to live with me in Vegas cuz her punk wannabe O.G. wigger husband decided he wanted her to leave???? AISHH this is horrible  pray for me! I may not get through this with my sanity....


PS I love you if you're from Kentucky because that is a horrible state and I hated it there.... everyone in the ghetto- uh they are such ignorant white trash hillbillies


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