draco dormiens || Park Sung Hyo


     ( alimacvin )   ||   ( 3 )   ||   ( Al )     


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you're either magical or you aren't.

character || Sung  Hyo Park

nickname || Park Sung/Sung-sung

dob + age || 08/26/1995 + 17
place of birth || Busan, South Korea
hometown || Busan, South Korea
languages || Mandarin, Japanese, Korean & English


idol || Krystal Jung/Soojung Jung of f(x)

pictures || 1 - 2 - 3

back-up idol || Suzy Bae/Suji Bae

pictures || 1 - 2 - 3

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where you ought to be.

personality || Being the daughter of a former death eater is totally contrast of her personality. She's bright, funny, and very friendly. Her past time is making a lot friends and she doesn't fail to make the atmosphere fun especially when faced with an awkward atmosphere. Though her beauty looks like an ice princess, she's the total opposite where you can always use the saying "don't judge the book by its cover". When she smiles, everyone or everything around her brightens. She doesn't act cute, but is naturally cute anyway. She's fun, loving and protective of her family and friends. But sometimes, she ends up being too caring for others to mistake it as 'prying into their business'.


One thing people dislike about her is her pranks. She always prank the people around her even when in class that marks her as 'the troublesome student' as their professor says. 


Being a troublemaker does not mean she's very happy-go-lucky (slightly maybe) but she's very passionate and serious about her studies and learning magic. She just loves learning many things and is born intelligent. She differs from the other students who usually hates studying. Studying makes her gain more friends when they ask her about things they don't usually know. Yes, she's a little naive and gets abused by others easily.


But being friendly doesn't mean that everyone likes her. She's often misunderstood and left out by her fellow classmates because of coming from death-eaters. This makes her  sad, a lot, but she doesn't make others satisfy and only smiles. Though some befriends her even though they knew of her being a death eater, she's really grateful to those people.


history ||

It was a time in middle school where she was attending an Art school. She just loves dancing and singing so much that she begged her parents to make her study at an Art School where she was, fortunately, a scholar.


Sometimes, she felt like something about her was completely different. Though she thinks that she was overreacting. She proved herself wrong when she saw her fellow schoolmate beating up a helpless student, she panicked and it enraged her that someone was bullying another for to get some money. Her mind went blank and the next thing she knew, the bully was screaming like a mad man and deep gashes were seen all over her body.


The next day, the bully dropped out of school. And it was rumored a violent ghost was behind the students' injury. But she knew deep inside, she was somehow involved with it.


likes || 

» Quidditch
» Making friends
» Zonko's Joke Shop
» Potion class
» Music

dislikes || 

» Bullies
» Arrogant people who are full of themselves
» Clowns
» History of magic, though she loves studying, this class is boring.
» Voldemort, because he's a murderer and he doesn't have a nose.

hobbies || 

» Pranking others
» Singing and dancing
» Studying

habits || 

» Smiling a lot
» Glaring at random people when angry
» Biting lower lip when guilty

trivia || 

» She fears that death-eaters, including herself, might rise again for revenge because she knows she'll be forced to join the other death-eaters.
» She fears the Avada Kedavra that can be used for murdering another person.
» She secretly uses the Cheering charm on people who doesn't laugh at her jokes as a punishment.
» She has a journal where she keeps all her secret

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we never left.

family members || 

father || Park Sungjo | 41 | restaurant owner | 4 | Strict but kind, loving and fatherly
mother || Park Sooyoung | 38 | cook | 5 | Loving, kind, friendly
siblings || none
pets || Cat named Adelle
others || Grandfather | Park Eunhae | 73 | retired | 2 | scary, strict, cold

friends || 

» Seolhyun | fifth year | hufflepuff5 | Seoulhyun is an adorable kid. She's very loyal and overprotective of her friends. She's innocent, maybe too innocent that it looks like she's stupid. She is often asked if Bora is her sibliing.
» Taemin | fifth year | gryffindor | 5 | Taemin is a prankster just like Sung Hyo, he never fails to make the atmosphere fun. He's always smiling and brightens others. He's very popular because of his friendliness and his handsome looks. 

» JR | fifth year | gryffindor | 5 | JR is the umma of the group. Often seen scolding Taemin and Sung Hyo because of being troublemakers. He's very brave and strong. He loves challenges and never backs out to anything or anyone.

» Bora | fifth year | slytherin | 5 | Bora is very blunt and sharp-tongued. Often misunderstood by others, she's called as an ice queen. But Sung Hyo and their friends know her best. She's fun to be with and never fails to make her friends laugh at her blunt remarks. She's very protective of her friends. She will do anything to protect them.


Sung Hyo, Seolhyun, Taemin, JR and Bora are all in their fifth year and are all classmates. Sung Hyo, Seolhyun and Bora met at the train station where they all sat beside each other. They met Taemin and JR in class.


rivals || Jihyun | sixth year | slytherin | 2 | The cold, arrogant, who hates Sung Hyo alot because Sung Hyo is close friends with her Tao. She thinks that Sung Hyo is stealing Tao away from her. She'll do everything to get rid of Sung Hyo so that she can have Tao all by herself.

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amortentia 'love potion'.

love interest || Huang Zi Tao, exo, slytherin
back-up love interest || Kim Jong In, exo, gryffindor
personality || Tao is someone who looks laidback but is surprisingly, hardworking, smart and cunning. He is very ambitious. He might seem cold and heartless, but he's adorable, dorky, warm-hearted and shy which will surprise most.

first impression || Sung Hyo's first impression on him was that he was too intimidating but found him quite adorable because of his panda eyes.
behavior || Sung Hyo is a very friendly person (as stated above) and she never fails to ignore a classmate. Tao and Sung Hyo met when they were partnered up in one of her extracurricular activity that is earth magic. At first, Tao was pretty intimidating but Sung Hyo felt something was different about him. She befriended him and she was glad that he wasn't what she thought he was. He was surprisingly a dork and very warm. Sung Hyo didn't know why but everytime he smiled at her, her heart starts beating fast and she gets nervous around him.


Tao started liking Sung Hyo the first day they met. She was a very friendly girl who warms his lonely heart that was always misunderstood by others. He always looked forward to his extracurricular activity that is earth magic so that he can meet Sung Hyo, even though he's busy because his in sixth year, he always go early because he's afraid that he'll miss Sung Hyo too much and end up going crazy.


These two always hangs out together when their classes are not clashing and ends up being misunderstood by others that they are dating but they are always denying it, answering that they are just friends, which, was not believed by most.


scene requests || 
ending || At first, Sung Hyo was strongly considering to join the death-eaters because she was loyal with her family. But seeing her friends and her loved ones fighting against the death-eaters, she opposed joing the death-eaters and fought against them. Seeing her as a traitor, she was almost killed a few times. If it wasn't for Tao and her lovely friends, she could have died right then and there.

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dumbledore's army.

fifth years || 

» care of magical creatures
» divination


unforgivables || 

» crucio
» avada kedavra
» imperio

incantations || 

tickling charm || Rictusempra
summoning charm || Accio
levitation charm || Wingardium Leviosa
jelly-legs curse || Locomotor Wibbly
water-making spell || Aguamenti
fire-making spell || Incendio
disarming charm || Expelliarmus

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for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat.

 gryffindor  || 

what do you think of harry potter? || "He's awesome, but too overrated."
what do you think of the slytherins? || "Some of them are tolerable but some are... okay, no comment."
if a ravenclaw and a hufflepuff were in danger, who would you choose to save? || "I'll just sacrifice myself so that both can be saved."

ravenclaw || 

which came first, the phoenix or the flame? || "Flame. I think."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "They're brave but they need to study more."
knowledge is... || "power"

hufflepuff || 

would you rather be liked or praised? || "liked, of course."
what do you think about hogwarts? || "It's an awesome school where I can be myself"
would you rather betray your friends or betray your family? || "Depends in the situation on who's in the wrong."

slytherin || 

what do you think of lord voldemort? || "He's evil. And he doesn't have a nose. He should have used some spell to get some nose."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "some of them are arrogant just because Harry Potter was once a gryffindor"
your housemates are becoming death eaters. many of them are your friends, and they ask you to join them. what do you do? || "I would have joined, but seeing my best friends fight against the death-eaters, I can't hurt them myself. So I decided to fight against the death-eaters instead."

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you have your mother's eyes.

questions || 

comments || this is totally awesome!
scene requests || 
how many horcruxes? || Vii
hogwarts motto? || never tickle a sleeping dragon

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glowbug #1
i think youre either a hufflepuff or a slytherin
confliction lol
but reply which house you want to be in!
if you reaaally want to be a gryffindor or ravenclaw, just reply which house you would prefer.
thanks for applying! goodluck - u -