FLAVOR Spicy Application



Behind the mask

Username: keykim

Profile link: Here you go~

Nickname: Hmm...don't really have one but I guess you can call me Kim or Kimmy

Tell me about yourself: Let's see...what's there to know? I just happen to be your average fan-girl, especially SHINee, and I'm currently on break from...life, and so I thought, hey! Why not go have some fun and read some fan fictions? I always thought it was weird to read and write fics on real life people but I actually quite liked it when I gave it a try. Then I heard about these apply fics and thought that I might as well give it a shot. I'm usually very quiet in real life around...people other than my family, but I tend to talk more on comp. I guess it's a shy-person thing.

Why do you want to apply as spicy?: Well, honestly? I don't really know. I quite like all the flavors but Spicy caught my attention. I'd like to be someone feisty ;)


Who is spicy, basically?

Name: Kim Han Na / Hanna Scott

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Korean-Scottish

Family/friend nicknames: None

Birthday: September 9, 1994

Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea

Spent all her life: Canada

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent)


The girl in the mirror

Ulzzang name: Do Hwae Ju

Pics: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Backup girl name: Kwon Su Jeong

Pics: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Fashionista: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 55 kg


Actions speak louder than words

Persona: She appears as the attractive, spunky, feisty girl to her fans. She is someone with an attitude and has a strong presence on stage, leaving a deep impression on her fans. She appears aggressive through the deep passion she has when she performs, especially due to her powerful vocals, and by the way she speaks. She smirks rather than smiles, and fans think that it's a very attractive and y point of hers.

Reality: Her character on and off stage is not much different, but just that she shows less on stage. Off stage, she is still a spunky girl who is courageous and determined in everything she does. She is fiesty, otherwise touchy, and while she has an ill-temper, her temper soothes quickly and easily, and she does not hold grudges. She is also someone who is frank and blunt in her speech, and can thus seem aggressive and harsh, though she means no harm and is only speaking her mind honestly. Despite her harsh speech, she is very respectful to her seniors and would always greet them politely and she also treats her members with respect, both younger and older members. She is very opinionated, and she always has an opinion on everything and is very assertive on her opinions, though she will not force them on someone when she knows that their thinking won't change. She also knows how to have fun, and enjoys teasing those she is close with and can be crazy when she wants to be, though not in a goofy way. 

Haterade: When she hates someone, she really hates someone. To the guts. She won't necessarily talk about the person behind his/her back, and will instead keep her thoughts on the person to herself, but will be blunt and honest if asked to describe her relationship with and feelings towards the person. She will mostly ignore this person, and will control her temper in front of the person as well, knowing that it will bring them joy being able to make her mad, but she will snap when pushed to the edge.

Lovergurl: Around this person, she smiles often, and is nicer to him more than anyone else, which can make it pretty obvious. She is, however, somewhat shy, as most girls would be when they are around the person they have feelings for, but she will try and bring up conversation if it's too quiet. She will defend this person to the end of the world, easily irritated when he is being bad-mouthed by others.

BFFFL: She values this person very much, and will tell this friend anything and everything. 


This is spicy defined


  • Performing - she enjoys having people watch her perform
  • Singing and dancing - her passions in life
  • Practicing - only through hard work can you gain perfection
  • Reading - it broadens her knowledge and she likes to be smart
  • Healthy foods - unhealthy foods are not good for keeping in shape and should be avoided at all costs
  • Cooking - that way, she can know what goes into her food 


  • Soft/canned drinks - while they quench your thirst, it's unhealthy and contains high amounts of sugar
  • Losing - in her definition, losing means that you're weak
  • Unprofessionalism - everyone should take their job seriously and not joke around with it
  • People that are afraid to speak their minds - if you have something to say, say it


  • Watching dramas and movies - gives her a wider perspective and is a good break from life
  • Composing - while she has trouble writing lyrics, she makes up for it by composing melodies
  • Sports - it keeps her active and fit


  • Sasaeng fans - they should learn the difference between reality and fiction and move on with their lives rather than be so obsessed all the time


  • Lightly taps her lips with her fingers when she is thinking
  • Sings loudly in the car, following the song that is playing for fun and also to practice her vocal 
  • Her feet automatically taps in beat with the song that is being played 


  • Composing different melodies for songs - as practice
  • Singing and dancing
  • Record videos of herself singing her own versions of the songs she re-composed though she will keep these secret


  • Cooks very well
  • Right handed
  • Likes keeping things neat and tidy and will clean up the room even if it's just one thing that is out of place
  • Plays the piano and guitar


What is your stage name: Pepper

Why did you pick it: Pepper is hot, but also essential as it adds flavor to a dish

What is your stage name persona: Flaming hot charisma

Why: She has a fiery attitude and is part of her charisma

What position do you want: Main vocal and main dancer

Why: I think being a vocal will suit her personality and so will dancing 


What are her best attributes: Large vocal range (can hit very low and high notes), respectful towards others, doesn't hold grudges

What are her worst attributes: Ill-tempered, stubborn, harsh in her speech due to her bluntness


What are her insecurities: Not being perfect

Why: She was raised to be perfect and to win

What does she do to cheer herself up: Listen to sad songs, cries it out of her system in secret

What makes her upset: Losing, people talking about her behind her back

What makes her angry: Being compared to others


Born so spicy it's scandalous

Family members:

  • Kim Hwang Joo || 42 || Mother || Researcher
  • Alaistair Scott || 46 || Father || Surgeon

This is my world:

Han Na grew up under a very strict household. Her mother was a researcher and her father was a surgeon. Her mother married  her husband in Korea and gave birth to Han Na in her homeland, but the family moved to Canada when she turned 3. Her mother hired a tutor who taught her how to speak, read, and write Korean at home. Her parents are very seldomly found at home, and they hardly spend time with Han Na due to their busy jobs. As a result, she is not close with her parents as they hardly interact with each other.

Everybody has a story:

Han Na was raised to be a winner. To be perfect. Her parents valued intelligence very much and would often push her to be the best. Her parents would praise her whenever she got a perfect score and would yell at her whenever she didn't. They would also be disappointed in her whenever she got below first place, whether it be for academic achievements or extra-curriculum activities. As a result, she grew up as a hard-worker, constantly trying her best in everything she did to please her parents to gain their attention. However, as she got older, her parents stopped praising her whenever she got a perfect score but would still yell at her when she didn't, and so she kept working hard. She found her passion for music and dancing when she decided to buy a K-Pop CD she had picked out randomly in a record store. To her surprise, she enjoyed the type of music and since then, grew fonder and fonder of music. She found her talent for singing and dancing during a talent show where she won first place for performing BoA's Make a Secret. 

Then I became a star:

Feeling encouraged after winning the talent show, she secretly sent in an audition video to SM Entertainment and received a call for a second aufition. When she told her parents, they disapproved and made her turn down the offer. She grew upset and tired of them, and her grades started going downhill. When her parents realised this, they allowed her to audition again but in return, she had to keep her grades up and had to be the best of the best. They sent her down to Korea alone and although they allowed her to become a trainee, they still do not approve of her choice. When she arrived in Korea, she auditioned for CRAVE Ent. after hearing many recommendations for it.

But it wasn't all rainbows:

When she became a trainee, she found it to be easier than most other trainees as she was already used to pushing herself. However, it wasn't always easy. Her fiery temper and frankness made her very unpopular among the trainees and therefore never had many friends.

I spent       2      years in hell just for this moment


Can't we all just get along?

Rival: N/A

Reason: N/A

That b*tch is like: N/A

Relationship with her: N/A

He stole my little heart: Song Chanseok from CRAVE

He's perfect because: He is charismatic and has strong leadership skills. Unlike what he seems to be, he is a sweet and rather shy guy. He is protective and is sweet to the people around him. He is also always thinking of others and considerate of them, something she does not have. She also admires the fact that he can be easy going and relaxed but knows when to get angry.

Love at first sight when: Sometime after joining the company. He was nice to her, just like he was to everyone else, but she fell for him because he was the first one to treat her in a sweet manner.

We're sorta like this: Senior - Junior

Backup boyfriend: Kim Jonghyun from SHINee

He's okay because: He is thoughtful of others and takes care of the people around him in a silent way that is not very open. He is friendly and outgoing, and always pushes himelf to work hard. 

I liked him when: She saw him performing on stage and was captivated by his skill and his passion that he puts into performing.

We're sorta like this: Senior - Junior

Scene requests?: 

  • Have a duet together or film something together where they're a couple (like a CF or drama) and as they practice/act together, they grow closer together as they learn more about each other and he can slowly fall for her while she falls more deeply in love with him.
  • Someone will bad-mouth him, not knowing that she was there and she gets into a fight with them and he will learn about this later from someone and will go and look after her as she got injured during the fight.


Bitter beginning

Anything else? Questions, comments, concerns? Did I miss anything? Don't think you missed anything. Definitely enjoyed filling this out. Let me know if I missed anything.


Password: Don't know if you'll like it but I love it xD



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Chanseok has been chosen now too?! I'm really surprised that people are applying to date CRAVE. And oh goodness, Jjong .-. Hehe. I like your application! I'm happy you applied!
When I have some time I'll post my comments on the character, but for now I'll send you the link to the next step! It's a role play so get into character and have fun! No rush!