This is Swag, man...

Yo people! I'm back again to rant about my day^___^

Are you guys starting to get irritated by my blogs? Lol>< I'm sure you already are:P

So, today, my History teacher came into my class to teach and it's his first time teaching my class... I thought the first class with him was gonna be boring, yeah, well, it is History but to my surprise, I love the dude! He literally said, "Homework is crap and teachers shouldn't burden the students with it. We'll study in class but play at home."

OMG! He's the COOLEST dude ever! I mean... He's the first teacher who said that to my class and instantly my friends were like, "I wanna be his son!" Keke><

Then, the teacher said more, "Life is simple, kids... You should enjoy the last days of school and don't be too pressured about the national exams at the end of the year... We'll study hard and we'll also play hard... Parents these days are caging in their kids too much." WOW! I seriously agreed with him:D

My parents should've been there when he was talking... It was like the first time ever, the whole class including me we were like so focused on him when he was talking... All the time, in my brain I was thinking, "This is swag man..."

If only that particular teacher who loves to give me a load of homeworks would listen to his speech... I'm sure she'll lessen them or something:)

Then, it was time for Biology... Gahd, I love the teacher, I love the subject but it was shoooooo boring and I was like ing sleepy=.=' My eyelid felt so heavy and I could've slept throughout the lesson along with the frogs inside those jars...

Aigoo~ Currently, I'm still tired... I didn't take a nap or anything when I got home from school because I don't usually sleep in the afternoon... Don't ask me why cuz i just don't... LOL><

Hihi... I'm gonna go now... I wanna finish the new chapter for my story, "Who the hell is she?!" and also the other story, "y, kidnapped and Hitched." So, peace out~



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PaboForSJ #1
That teacher is so cool! None of my teachers are like that~ TT^TT
watwotwut #2
Haha I haven't started school yet :P
watwotwut #3
Haha I haven't started school yet :P
I always fall asleep in STEM classes >.< It's so annoying because I love math and science.
I want that dude for a prof.....................
DX university stinks...
OMG MY HUMANITIES TEACHER SAID THAT TOO!!!!! "Homework is a bunch of useless stuff. I don't know why teachers bother giving it to you. You guys are still CHILDREN!!! YOU GOTTA ENJOY YOUR YOUTHFULNESS!!!!!"
I have had a lot of those teachers before (even now) but my days always has to be ruined by those teachers who keep on giving us homework! Urgh! Hard ones!
durian2003 #8
same here buddy... but i did get to catch a nap in the afternoon... 3-6.30, did homework... then had a break, talked with mom, skyped with my sis... 8-10, physics tuition.... and now... finally get my time alone on the comp... OTP.... Aigoo........
I have had a teacher for 'old Greek' (the extinct Greek language from thousands of years ago XP) and he was so funny! He was the reason I chose to learn Greek further instead of Latin in high school. During a exam he read the Greek word out loud, spelled it, spelled it backwards, and after writing the Greek word you had to write the translation yourself. That way you learned the names of the letters and if you had learned enough you could already write the word after he first mentioned it so you had more time to think about the translation. It seems hard, but he did it in such a way it was fun. As if you were playing while learning.
Our Latin teacher let us make drawings which he gave grades for >.< He was nice, but that way we played more than we learned. Stupid teacher >:( I liked the way he taught while we had class from him, but when we got another teacher I found out how far behind we were, and I hated him for it >:'( Although I liked Greek too, that teacher gave me no choice; or I had to work real hard to learn what I should have learned from him, or I could just go on with Greek: easy choice...

They should find out what the perfect way is to teach, so we get motivated enough to learn and not sleep :P
the whole class including me we were like so focused on him when he was talking... All the time, in my brain I was thinking, "This is swag man..."
Yea, you are concentrating...
Your teacher's so cool! But I think if you and your classmates' parents were there and he said that, they might sue him for being a bad influence xD
I had a teacher for half a year who was like that, but now all I have are crappy ones.

I don't nap in the afternoon too! And I don't have a reason. I'm tired too LOL.

I love your gifs! Even though this was a short post, I liked it haha.
omg i have a teacher like him too. he said that he doesnt believe in homework. but then i moved to a different school and they give a ____load of homework. i miss him T.T
I love the eff homework GIF xD