draco dormiens || bang dasom

     ( azkaban )   ||   ( 2.5 )   ||   ( kimchi )     

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you're either magical or you aren't.

character || Dasom, Bang ( Korean )

nickname || Somi

dob + age || May 2, 1998, 15
place of birth || 
Seongnam, South Korea
hometown || Seongnam, South Korea
languages ||

» Korean is fluent, learnt in Korea, growing up.

» Chinese is conversational, learnt as a backup language in muggle school.


idol || Bae Sooji, Miss A

pictures || i ii iii iv v

back-up idol || Tiffany, SNSD

pictures || i ii iii iv v

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where you ought to be.

personality || 

    ` ( bravery runs through these veins ) » Like anyone in Gryffindor, Dasom shows signs of being brave and courageous. She is daring and risky, and never says no to a challenge. She’s also not afraid to stand up for what’s right, no matter what the cost is. She has a bad habit of saying what’s on her mind, and this usually gets her in trouble with a few people. Although she does that a lot, Dasom is considerate of others, and likes to treat everyone as her equal, including ghosts, house-elves, and muggleborns. She’s often compared to former Hogwarts student Hermione Granger because of her, “Everyone’s equal!” status. Dasom is also said to be rather confident at times, and this adds to her daring behaviour.
   ` ( maybe i’m a hufflepuff, forever loyal ) » As compared to some Hufflepuff students, Dasom always shows loyalty to where her faiths lie. This is why she would most likely never go over to join the Death Eaters. In terms of other Hufflepuff traits, Dasom lacks friendliness, as a part of her bad temper, and would much rather have one or two good friends, instead of a whole bunch. The only time she considers fairness is when it comes to those who deserve it. No way would she be kind to a Slytherin or someone who could compare to them. Don’t get the wrong idea; Dasom actually really likes the Hufflepuffs, most days.
     ` ( i hate to admit it, but i am cunning ) » Even though Dasom likes to deny that she has a little Slytherin in her, she can’t help but not show it. She’s quite sly and knows how to get out of tricky situations, but that doesn’t mean she’s totally going to be a Slytherin now. If there was one thing she kept telling the Sorting Hat, it was to not sort her into that house. She doesn’t seek power, like most Slytherins, so why should she end up in Slytherin? Also, the closest Dasom can come to being ambitious is when she’s determined to crush the Slytherins in Quidditch.
    ` ( either i'm brave or i'm smart ) » In terms of knowledge, Dasom is actually on a very high status in the professor's books. She is very alert and masters spells as if it's nothing. To be honest, Dasom actually isn't a total mastermind who knows everything. Sure, give her an essay on grindylows and she can conquer up an outstanding, but put a riddle in front of her and watch her crack. Basically, Dasom is only book smart, and can only obtain knowledge from paying attention in class or reading books. She's rather clueless about things that can't be written in a book, and she doesn't experiment at all. Say she's doing a potion, sure she can get a good grade, but if she tried adding this or that she might have gotten a perfect score.

    ` ( focusing on everything else ) » Outside the four main traits of the Hogwarts houses - bravery, loyalty, wit and ambition - Dasom carries a lot of personal qualities that only really show outside the Sorting Hat. She’s easily-tempered and prefers to be alone when she’s angry. She is also sensitive, but doesn’t like to show her tears. Dasom, growing up in Korea, sort of got hooked on the term aegyo, so she likes to do the cute gestures every now and then. Other than those three, Dasom is also really funny when she wants to be, and often makes a lot of stupid jokes. Lastly, Dasom is the type to hold a grudge, if you hadn’t noticed.

history || 

     Life for Dasom was pretty , to be blunt. Her family had fallen apart right under her nose; her father left the house, her mother sat in depression, her younger sister stayed in her room, and her older brother... well, he was never nice. Actually, 'never nice' is an understatement. He was a total bully to her, despite them being siblings. Dasom used to spend most of her time outside the house, in the local park, alone. It was better than being at home or near her brother. Dasom liked to sit on the swings and think about why everything fell apart... why she just couldn't have a normal family, like her neighbours, the Parks.

     Unknowingly, Dasom was performing magic at a gradual pace. She could make the rocks move around her, even without realizing, or at least she ignored it and told herself she was seeing things. Dasom once set her brother's hat on fire, but her mother just said that he had carelessly been smoking, to hide the fact that she's a witch. As for everything else, Dasom attended a muggle school and carried out all the normal activities without much thought on her being a witch.

likes || 

» nice teachers | the nicer the teacher, the better dasom will act with them.
» using spells | it's absolutely amazing being a witch.
» electronics | in the muggle world, dasom enjoys her tv, laptop, mp3, etc.
» treacle tart | her favourite food, at least in hogwarts.
» quidditch | she absolutely loves her broom and the sport.

» hogwart's feasts | foodaholic who just adores the feasts.

» honeydukes | favourite place besides hogwarts; could eat the whole store.

» books | obviously, dasom has a big interest for knowledge.

dislikes || 

» slytherins | no need to explain her hate for them... right?
» daily prophet | dasom thinks they're horrible for what they write.

» the quibbler | no offence to luna lovegood, but there's no sense it.
» quills | they're a nightmare to her hand, and she would much rather pens.
» winter | horrifying weather for quidditch players like herself.
» history of magic | even though she's passing, the subject is so boring.

» o.w.l's | the thought of her o.w.l's are making her nervous.

» slackers | right beside rule-breakers, dasom can't stand them.

hobbies ||

» studying as much as possible
» reading a variety of books
» flying her broom around

» eating lots of food

» pulling pranks on slytherins

habits || 

» hiding her head behind a book
» can't stop herself from answering questions
» eating when she's upset / worried

» yelling at people when she's annoyed

» doing aegyo when she wants something

trivia || 

» Blood type is O.

» She's a half-blood ( mum is a witch, dad is a muggle. )
» One of her fears include her brother, who is rather awful towards her.

» The other fear is a more common one: spiders.

» Her boggart is her older brother performing the cruciatus curse on her.

Riddikulus: the casted green spell transforms into a pie.

» The Sorting Hat had a tough time sorting her, because she has traits that belong to all four houses.
» She admires Harry Potter, as a role model.
» Her wand is 9", Hawthorn, dragon heartstring.

» She doesn't have a favourite subject, since she loves them all.

» On her first day of hogwarts, Dasom brought in a muggle music player, which broke due to the fact that they don't work in the magic school.

» Dasom is absolutely fascinated by moving pictures, but can't seem to bring herself to having a conversation with them, as some are rather annoying.

» Her broom is a Cleansweep Thirteen ( ninety-five miles per hour - released in the year 2013 ).

» She only plays pranks on Slytherins, especially her brother.

» Unlike some people, Dasom actually pays attention in History of Magic.

» Like Hermione, Dasom displays a false confidence when she tries to be the best at everything in her classes. She could still do without the quills though.

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we never left.



family members ||

father || » Bang Minhyuk | 47 | Deceased | - | when alive, he was a very arrogant and vain man. he was also a muggle, who left after finding out his wife was really a witch. he is rich and even though he left Yeonhee, he was decent enough to supply her with a good wealth. ( he left around the time of Youngmi's birth. ) after a while, his death was reported on a muggle newspaper and all his riches went to the Bang family.


mother || » Park Yeonhee | 44 | Unemployed Witch | 4 | she's a caring and motherly woman, who never stopped giving love to her children, even when she was depressed over her husband leaving. she was secretive; she never told her children about their magical abilities, or the reason their father left. she's also kind and gentle, when she wants to be.


siblings ||

» Bang Minsoo | 17 | Student at Hogwarts (Slytherin) | 0.5 | he wears the crown of self-confidence proudly, and like any other slytherin, he's ambitious. he can be a little insensitive at times, and he's cold towards nearly everything and everyone, slytherin or not, despite all his negative traits, he takes pride in his creativity.

» Bang Youngmi | 11 | Student at Hogwarts (Gryffindor) | 4 | unlike her confident siblings, Youngmi shows traits of being quiet and reserved. she was sorted into Gryffindor, where dwell the brave heart. Youngmi often stands up to Minsoo when he bullies her. Other than that, she often displays acts of cuteness and aegyo.


pet || Bellis (bellus + felis, which is cute cat in latin) | Grey Tabby Kitten | Female | as any kitten, she is very playful and likes to play with yarn. she's young and was only born in early 2013. she was purchased in July, ready for school on the first of September. as for being helpful like an owl or crookshanks, Bellis often shows a dislike for mean people. ( one - two )


Jang Hae Byeol / 장해별 (Model)FacebookSunhwa | Tumblr

friends || 

» Moon Jieun, OC | Fifth | 5 | Gryffindor | dimwitted, humorous, silly, arrogant, courageous. | alongside Mir, Jieun is also in a best friend zone with Dasom. Jieun is really arrogant though, and likes to bully the Slytherins for fun, especially Dasom's brother, Minsoo. that's how Jieun and Dasom became friends. These two girls like to play Quidditch together, even though Jieun isn't on the team.
» Bang 'Mir' Cheolyong, MBLAQ | Sixth | Gryffindor | 5 | dorky, childish,  daring, extremely funny, has a lot of nerve. | even though he's a year older than Dasom, the two really get along well, especially when they're pranking the Slytherins together. next to Jieun, Mir is one of Dasom's closest friends, and the three of them are best friends forever.

rival || 

» Sunhwa Han | Sixth | Slytherin | 1 | she's the typical slytherin: cunning and sly, but she isn't what you'd expect a slytherin to be  cruel or mean  and she's not malicious. ( you know your personality pft ) | Sunhwa doesn't like Dasom because Dasom always accuses Sunhwa of being the stereotyped slytherin, which is the one thing Sunhwa hates. Dasom hates Sunhwa because they both share a sort of blunt and easily pissed off trait, and that makes them the perfect pair for arguments. Dasom also strongly dislikes slytherins in general.

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amortentia 'love potion'.



love interest || Choi `Changjo´ Jonghyun, Teen Top, Slytherin

back-up love interest || Yoo 'Ricky' Changhyun, Teen Top, Hufflepuff
personality ||

» Changjo: Unlike most Slytherins, Changjo walks around the castle without much expression on his face, instead of the usual, as Dasom puts it, “smirks on their faces and heads held higher than the bewitched ceiling”. He's cold though, and doesn't think friends are a total necessity; he prefers to work alone than with others. Some say he's mysterious, not talking to anyone and only ever concentrating on his work. Teachers always hint that he’s intelligent beyond measures, and if anything, other students should try to be more like him, claiming him to be a model pupil. Changjo is also cunning and manipulative; he can fool almost anyone into doing anything, including his professors and fellow students. He’s considered trustworthy though, because of his exceptional grades, and a lot of professors count on him to set a good example on other students. His favourite class is potions, probably because he is the best in class, out of the fifth years. He likes to experiment with things, and has even thought about making his own potion or spell one day. He's ambitious, as you can see, and thinks of himself to be a great wizard. He doesn't crave power, but if it's handed out to him, how could he say no?


» Ricky: He’s pretty much the total opposite of Changjo, showing no signs of being cold, mean or sly. Instead, Ricky is a total sweetheart above anything, and wouldn’t dare hurt a fly! Ricky is also really friendly and befriends almost anyone he talks to, but that also might be because he's a Hufflepuff. He's absolutely fun to be around and if you had one reason to hate him, it would be because Ricky is too kind sometimes, and is often accused of faking it, when really he isn't. Ricky isn't likely to lose his temper at someone, so he's a good target for pranks and mean jokes, because he just accepts them, and doesn't stand up for himself.

first impression || 

» Changjo: The first impression he gave Dasom was pretty much like how she sees all Slytherins; she didn’t like him at all. Changjo wasn’t too interested in her either, but that's sort of how he is with everyone. Dasom also didn't like his attitude, claiming he was being stupid by acting so cold and mean towards her. Changjo still ignored her, probably making Dasom hate him more. They met through Potions class, when Dasom was forced to sit next to him, since there were no more seats.


» Ricky: Dasom actually thought Ricky looked really kind and sweet, not to mention he was a Hufflepuff, instead of a Slytherin. Ricky thought the same about her, and they actually became fast friends. They met through quidditch. No, Ricky isn't on the team, but he still likes flying his broom around, even if he isn't any good. Dasom was going out to play a bit by herself, but she saw Ricky instead. The two played then, Ricky as Keeper and Dasom as Chaser. It was an interesting match, but they enjoyed playing.

behavior ||

» Changjo: They didn't exactly like each other at first, nor did they see eye-to-eye, but truthfully, it was only Dasom who ever had a problem with him. It was a one-sided hatred, if you will, with Dasom constantly complaining to Jieun how annoying he is. After being Potions neighbours, Dasom sort of accepted Changjo more and more each lesson, especially when they would work together, but that was also because Changjo was always able to get an outstanding, even with the intensity of the potion. After that, they start to befriend each other, which is new for both of them. Dasom never thought she'd friend a Slytherin, while Changjo thought he'd never have a friend at all. You could say they both just naturally liked each after that, even though none of them want to admit it, due to pride and stubbornness. Also, it should be noted that Changjo displays his affection for her through skinship and snide comments.


» Ricky: Ever since they met until this very moment, Dasom and Ricky have always liked being in each other's company. He doesn't exactly make her heart beat fast, like Changjo does, but he is really friendly and nice to be around. Dasom probably liked him all along, but she keeps her feelings to herself. Ricky was a bit more eager to confess to her and would often drop hints that he liked her, but Dasom would mistake them for acts of friendship. So right now they're in the friendship zone, you could say.

scene requests ||

» Changjo:

PARTNERS — since they sit together in potions, i was thinking that maybe they could work together, because professor malfoy might want them to produce a potion that would only be capable by top students. anything will do.

POTIONS — again with this, but instead of partner-work, this would focus more on their interactions during class. maybe he could correct her mistakes, since he's a better potioneer, and she would be totally outraged, since her book said she did it right. this goes by their personality traits.

TUTORING — so when dasom starts liking changjo, she might start falling behind in potions, because she's too busy staring and talking to changjo. he's more clever than her, if you hadn't noticed, and doesn't make these sort of mistakes. so maybe professor malfoy can assign him to tutor her? otl okay this

STUDY DATE — read ricky's study date before this one. ricky and dasom's study date doesn't finish till about seven. ricky goes back to the ravenclaw common room and dasom stays back to read a bit more. changjo was spying on the date though and asked her why she was with ricky. they could have an arguement or something like that.

DATES — as part of my suggestions below, i mentioned a halloween ball and the slughorn party... you know where i'm going with this, right? changjo and dasom must be dates, yes!

MISTLETOE — you should do a christmas ball, too, and have a mistletoe for everyone to kiss. in this case, i was thinking changjo could create the mistletoe purposely to kiss dasom.


» Ricky:

QUIDDITCH — let's go back to how they met. since it was on the quidditch pitch, i was thinking that it became their thing to go out and practice together. ricky still isn't the best player, so maybe dasom could help him here and there.

DUELING — maybe during dada a dueling session takes place. ricky and dasom could have to fight each other, so ricky lets her win. awh that's too cute c:

STUDY DATE — this idea sort of merges with changjo's. okay so basically ricky and dasom plan a study date, to prepare for transfiguration or whatever class you want them to study for. on the date, ricky could confess to her or something. okay now go read changjo's l0l ( this takes place in the library. )


( i'll most likely request more later, i have a lot of ideas ~ )

ending ||

» Changjo: He strongly considers becoming a Death Eater, especially since it is power that is being offered to him. Changjo was always good at Defence Against the Dark Arts, and knew a fair bit about the dark arts itself. He knew it would mean becoming bad, but it meant protection. If he joined the Death Eaters, chances were his life would be spared. The idea was definitely making him stressed. In the end, he asked Dasom to become a Death Eater with him, but she told him she'd rather die than join them. Changjo then has to choose between becoming a Death Eater, saving his own life, or fighting against them, and risking death. Dasom tries her best to convince him to stay and fight with her, but he's just not sure about it. ( If you want to decide what happens, I don't mind. He could become a Death Eater and realize his mistake, or just stay beside Dasom and fight with everyone. I'll choose if you don't want to ~ )


» Ricky: Just like Dasom, he stayed with her to fight for Hogwarts. Like the rest of the Hufflepuffs, Ricky showed a strong sense of loyalty as he joined the good side, or at least that's how he refers to it. Ricky didn't even once consider going to the Death Eaters, and still wouldn't join if he was forced to. Dasom thanks him for staying by her side - staying by everyone's side - and is really glad to have a friend like that. Ricky lived, fortunately, but he was injured from an explosion, which occurred in an empty classroom he was hiding in. Ricky sprained his ankle and twisted his arm. It was like being in a car accident, except Ricky still had all his body parts.


» Dasom: There were moments when she wanted to back out altogether, but then she'd hit herself and push herself to fight, even if it meant death. When Dasom saw Sunhwa fighting against the Death Eaters, she sort of wanted to apologize for calling her a stereotyped Slytherin, and for the stupid rivalry between them. Same goes for everyone who was willing to fight; Dasom was ready to join forces, even with those she despised. She survived the Death Eaters, along with Changjo.


» Minsoo: Dasom always knew what would happen for him. She always knew he would join them, the Death Eaters. Minsoo joined out of fear and pride; he didn't want to die, but he joined willingly. Dasom never forgave her brother for this, even after he came back to fight for Hogwarts; she could never forgive him, and officially disowned him as a brother.


» Youngmi: Of course, Dasom hid her away, refused to let her fight. Youngmi was more than willing to fight by her sister's side, but Dasom wouldn't let her. Going against her sister's orders, Youngmi joined the fight. She had always been so brave, even though she was only eleven and barely knew any spells. Dasom was so angry that Youngmi had come to fight, and kept her by her side at all times. During the chaos, Dasom wanted to go find Changjo, see if he's alright. She left Youngmi with Ricky, who protected her within an empty classroom. Dasom found Changjo and they returned back to find Ricky injured and Youngmi dead. All it took was five minutes for Dasom to leave her side and Youngmi, the sweet, innocent eleven year old to die. Dasom was never the same after that.

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dumbledore's army.

fifth years ||

» Divination
» Care of Magical Creatures


unforgivables || the use of the illegal curses can land you a spot in azkaban prison.

» Imperius Curse - Imperio ( controls the victim )

( known user: barty crouch sr, ron weasley, harry potter )

( known victims: barty crouch jr, ron and harry used it on bograt )

» Cruciatus Curse - Crucio ( tortures the vitcim )

( known users: bellatrix lestrange, lord voldemort. )

( known victims: neville's parents, hermione granger, harry potter. )

» Killing Curse - Avada Kedavra ( kills the victim )

( known users: lord voldemort, peter pettigrew, severus snape )

( known victims: harry's parents, cedric diggory, albus dumbledore )

( all curses were explained in fourth year by barty crouch jr. )

incantations ||

tickling charm || Rictusempra ( second year, harry used it against draco in the dueling club. i have a mug that says this lol )
summoning charm || Accio ( fourth year, harry summoned the firebolt )
levitation charm || 
Wingardium Leviosa ( first year, hermione succeeded in floating a feather )
jelly-legs curse || Locomotor Wibbly ( fifth year, harry used it on crabbe )
water-making spell || Aguamenti ( six year, harry made the water for dumbledore )
fire-making spell || 
Incendio ( six year, bellatrix lit up hagrid's hut )
disarming charm || Expelliamus ( second year, snape disarmed lockhart )

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for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat.

gryffindor  || 

what do you think of harry potter? || "I think he's a hero, who saved us from the darkest of times. I was born the exact day he defeated the Dark Lord, and to be honest, I consider it such an honour. So I like to think of Harry as one of my idols, role models. I hope to grow up to be like him one day."
what do you think of the slytherins? || "
Being a Gryffindor, I should really consider the Slytherins as my rivals, but I can't help it. I loathe them more than a rivalry. They are my enemies. I probably speak this way because my brother is a Slytherin, and truthfully, he and i don't see eye-to-eye. I guess my feelings are mutual though, because I'm sure no Slytherins like me."

if a ravenclaw and a hufflepuff were in danger, who would you choose to save? || "It depends who I'm better friends with. If the Ravenclaw was my best friend, and the Hufflepuff was a complete stranger, isn't it obvious who I'm going to pick? But don't worry Hufflepuff stranger, I will do my very best to save you as well. I couldn't leave one in danger, it just wouldn't be right, in my opinion."

ravenclaw || 

which came first, the phoenix or the flame? || "Well then, I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning." "If you think about it, the flame and the phoenix could have both existed before one another. Meaning, the phoenix could have been before the flame or the flame before the phoenix. I haven't read a book that mentions it, so any answer I give would only be a theory."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "Same as the Hufflepuffs, I treat them according to how they treat me. If they hate me, why should I act nice towards them? But if they like me, then, by all means, I'll be nice to them too."
knowledge is... || "important, of course. It's a basic key to life, without which we would all be stupid and dumbfounded. If there is one thing I ever praised Tom Riddle for, it was his intelligence. To accomplish so much, no matter how bad, would have truly needed the right brains, but then again, I'm more of a fan of one of the previous headmasters, Dumbledore. I wish I would have been here to see him in alive and in person."

hufflepuff || 

would you rather be liked or praised? || "It depends on what I've done in order to receive the liking or praise. I would like to be praised for something outstanding I've done, but I would also enjoy being liked for something good that I did. So neither; I'd rather be liked and praised rather than one over the other."
what do you think about hogwarts? || "Hogwarts is perhaps a second home to me, and I love being here, getting to see my friends, do magic, play Quidditch. It's all the things I can't really do at home, over the summer. I like Hogwarts and the people there are most-of-the-time nice to me. I think it's the magic of the school that makes me love it so much."
would you rather betray your friends or betray your family? || "None, it's like asking if you love your mum or dad more! I am loyal to both my friends and family, so it's really a tough question. I'd betray myself over betraying either of them... but if we're just talking about my brother, then I would betray him, just like he would do to me."

slytherin || 

what do you think of lord voldemort? || "As mentioned before, I see Voldemort as someone intelligent who accomplished a lot, no matter how dark it was. I wouldn't have stood by his side though, it just wouldn't have been right. Why would I fall into the arms of evil when I could have been out there being the hero? I don't hate Voldemort, and I think of him nothing more than someone who is dead. I'm also born on the day he was finally defeated."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "My little sister is a Gryffindor, and I really love her, so I really love Gryffindor. I also get along well with Kai and Chunji, who are both Gryffindors. I would also rather be brave that be a coward. I prefer Gryffindor over all the other houses, if not, then probably whoever else I'm closer with. Also, I really love being compared to Hermione Granger; it's something to be proud about."
your housemates are becoming death eaters. many of them are your friends, and they ask you to join them. what do you do? || "Don't join them. If I'm going to become a death eater, I'll do it under my own will. I shouldn't be peer pressured into doing something because my housemates ask me too, especially this situation. Becoming a death eater would turn my life around, so I would definitely, without question, say no to them."

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you have your mother's eyes.

questions ||

i have no questions actually, except i was wondering: was it too obvious that i wanted to be a gryffindor? c: /bricked. okay yeah it was whatever. did you mind that i used your character as my rival? i got inspired to do that when i was reading your example app. o u o

comments ||

that i'm really excited for this story, and expect me to stick around, even if my lame character doesn't get picked. ASDFGHJKL AND YAY I FINALLY FINISHED ~ IT FEELS LIEK IT TOOK FOREVER BUT THE APP IS SO SHORT ;u; OKIES HOPE YOU LIKED IT! ♥ yeah and if you need any help with the story, like suggestions, opinions, feedback, etc. i'm always here for you! c: oh and sorry if some bits have mistakes or haven't been proof-read. i only get the laptop at night, when my brain is like lsgjoierjg l0l. hope there weren't a lot of mistakes ; w ; ohhh and i used suzy as my looks, sorry if you she's overrated or something. i just love her to bits! ouo

scene requests || 

» HALLOWEEN BALL — like the halloween feast mixed with the yule ball. you could have music, pumpkins, dancing, etc. and all the students could dress up as something. i think it would be awesome and fun to write/read.

» DEATH 1 — Hmm for this I was thinking that everyone could lose a family member or close friend to a Death Eater, you know, just to experience what it's really like for our characters to lose someone important.

» DEATH 2 — someone in the school dies and everyone starts presuming it's the death eaters or someone dark. and like our characters could try to solve out the mystery behind the death. it'd be an interesting chapter.

» HOUSE POINTS — you could do this thing, but maybe you can get the readers to interact, like leave polls asking whether the character deserved five points taken or given. It could be like we're the teachers, or something like that. okay what a ish idea

» CAMEOS — i'm going to presume you'll have some characters that you haven't accepted, so maybe you can make them teachers for all those subjects you couldn't think of a teacher, or maybe just make them minor students.

» PREFECTS/HEADS — you could always use some of our characters as the prefects or heads, like for those who want to be. heads would have to be seven years only, so it'd be easier to choose them.

» PARTNERS — like my idea before, you could put the characters + their love interests in partner work, which the teachers now use to encourage learning. i think it would be a nice way for the characters to spend time with the love interests.

» SLUGHORN CLUB — it doesn't have to actually be slughorn, but i absolutely loved the concept, and maybe you could recreate it with another teacher! and you could have the dinner party, send out invitations, etc.


» these are more like suggestions. if i come up with some more, i'll let you know ~

how many horcruxes? ||

VII ( tom riddle's diary, marvolo gaunt's ring, slytherin's locket, hufflepuff's goblet, ravenclaw's diadem, harry potter, nigini. )

hogwarts motto? ||


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let's play quidditch!

character || Dasom, Bang

house || Gryffindor

year || Fifth Year

position || Chaser

questions || Nope, none that I can think of. Oh and btw, when I picture Yongguk as a seeker, I imagine a Viktor Krum sort of thing, haha. oh wait, was it okay if i put this here? c:

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glowbug #1
lmao welcome to gryffindor

and i had idea for dasom's brother -- he fires an avada kedavra at dasom during the second battle of hogwarts
unknowingly, and chanjo / ricky / sunhwa fires a protego to protect dasom. and then minsoo is so guilty and decides to fight with hogwarts
but dasom ne'er forgives him

and regarding the rival