Sometimes I just get so lonely.

Do you ever get that feeling, when you know you have someone there for you, but you just feel so alone? Like nobody cares for you. It’s totally irrational, stupid and childish, believe me, I know. But I get like that sometimes. Sometimes I just feel like I’m not wanted, whether it truly does seem that way or not.

And then sometimes I can’t get out of it for a very long time, until it just fades away, or I wake up with it in the back of my mind where it’s forgotten. But on rare occasions, I am snapped out of it because of the kindness of others. Sometimes those kind acts are big, and are obviously one of those things that’d make you happy. Like getting money back from a friend that owes you when it just so happens you want something, and now you could go buy it.

But other times... Well, it’s much bigger than that, in a way. It’s just a small act, really, like a smile or a wave. But in some aspects, it can seem so much larger.

I appreciate the small things. Like the piece of chocolate my friends offer me. Or the gum they insist I take until they remember I can’t have it because of my braces. Or when people tell me their secrets when they have nobody to go to, or just run to me first or only when they have something good (or bad) happens to them. They don’t even have to tell just me; they could even tell me last, days after it happened. But just the fact that they told me at all makes me feel wanted. Trusted. Cared for.

And when people are there for me. I usually bottle up all my things inside because I feel like telling others will just annoy them because they have better things to do. But when people listen and ask when something is wrong when they see it in me makes me smile, because I know that they actually care and they’re not just there for their benefit, y’know? Like I actually mean something.

So I thank you all that have taken the time to talk to me and put up with me and my craziness. Who have actually bothered to keep me in your life and not taken me for granted or thrown me away like I was nothing. It’s comforting to know that whenever I’m sad, I have good things to think about.

I love you, and thank you if you took the time to read this. Though you may not know who you are, and why this applies to you. But it applies to all of you I’m glad I could tell you how much you truly mean to me and I’m glad that you bothered to listen. You've made me feel good about myself, even if you didn't mean to, nor realize it. No matter what it was you did. And that's what matters to me; the little things.

Don't forget how much you mean to someone out there. How much you're cared for and how much you deserve every little good thing that happens to you. Cherish those moments; you don't know when they'll come back. Stay safe today, okay? And please stay happy. For me.



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