Caught; CL and Minzy only.

"Time always passes so slowly" He muttered. "Where is she" He groaned as he tapped his foot as he poured a drink for himself. 


GD was at home alone drinking who knows how much, something he always did now when he was bored, or felt lonely. GD and Chaerin were having some problems lately with trust issues and he was having issues with not having enough alone time with her, he couldn't remember the last time they were truly alone, but there wasn't anything that could fix it at this moment. Chaerin was out with the kids doing something so he thought he would make time pass by faster with drinking. Since she assured him that they were fine; he hadn't hired Minzy for the night to watch her. Instead he had called her over to keep him company since he didn't usually drink alone. As he waited he drank more. With the more he drank the more he remembered his past with Minzy before they grew apart only to draw closer again. Hearing the door open, he jerked his head to the side and waved to her. 

"Yah, were you going to keep me waiting?" He asked her with a slight slur as he downed a shot. "You know I don't like to drink alone" He muttered coughing and rubbed his eyes to remove the itching feeling he felt. 

Half listening to her apology he watched her sit down with him and he handed her a drink. "Loosen  up with me. I need to relax more" He muttered as he drank more with her before leaning back into the couch. "Chaerin won't be back for a few hours, I think. She didn't tell me what she was doing, but obviously didn't want me to go with her"  He turned his head towards her and looked her up and down. Not sure if it was the alcohol or his mixed feelings but he felt himself becoming with her next to him. Sitting up again he leaned towards her and cupped her chin. Before she had time to respond, he crashed his lips on hers, kissing her deeply and pulled her closer to him, deepening it as he ran his fingers through her hair, feeling himself get more with the depth of the kiss. Feeling like the couch wouldn't be a proper place to get it on, he got up stumbling before pulling her with him, not removing his lips from hers and walked backwards into his bedroom with her and closed the door before pushing her back into the bed and kissed down her neck as his hands worked quickly on her shirt and tossed it somewhere in the room as he harder on her neck before removing her jeans as well then pulled back looking at her. 

"What do you feel Minzy?" He asked her as his hands wandered over her body, waiting for her to answer him. 


[[pretty sure this isn't a good start xD]]


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"He's in Japan," Minzy said through her tears, "His people there wouldn't ever reveal that he was there. They don't trust outsiders. While you may be oppa's men, you're still outsiders to them." She'd spent enough time in Japan to know what she was talking about. "I don't know where specifically, but he's not going to be with the gang. He wants privacy for whatever reason. So he'd probably go somewhere he can try and blend in."

{I'm off for the night!}
Chris sighed seeing that this was going to take longer than expected. "Anyone have /any/ idea on where Hyung went?" He asked seeing everyone shaking their heads. "What about Japan?"

"The gangs there said he hasn't arrived. So he must have gone somewhere else" One answered sighing. "He must be really pissed"

Chris ruffled his hair before rubbing Minzy's back soothingly. "It's going to be alright Minzy. Don't worry" He said to her as he tried to think of where in the world their leader could have gone with everyone wanting him dead.
Once she had boarded the plane and arrived in china, she was a little surprised to see some guards there. “What the hell are you doing here,” she asked as she set Jin Kyong and Leo to sleep in their old room. “I am not going back, nothing you say or do can make me go back. And if you try to take me, I will yell up a storm that will make it damn impossible for us to ever board a plane again in our life.”

Hearing this, the guard sighed as he called Chris to let him know what was going on before hanging up. “Just cool off for awhile noona…the three of you need to talk. We will try to have Hyungnim and noona Minzy brought here,” they said.

She rolled her eyes at the name before going into her room and slamming the door shut.
"It is my fault," she whispered, her eyes frantic as she looked up at Chris, "I shouldn't have slept with him. I knew about Chaerin and that she was buying them rings to show how much she loved him. I helped pick them out." She was sobbing as she spoke, unable to go on anymore. She'd screwed up and now she was alone.
Chris sighed. "Then go to China. Find her and do whatever it takes to bring her back, then start looking for Hyung, he disappeared too" He ordered then went back to helping calm Minzy down. "Noona, it's not your fault, don't think that" He said rubbing her back. "Noona" He said hugging her tightly.

Once GD had landed in Japan he headed to a part of Japan that didn't know who he was and blended in, still being able to render fear in people when they looked at him. But even his gangs in Japan knew better than to alert others to his presence. After getting himself a apartment he went out drinking again .
After letting them sleep awhile longer, she picked them up and slowly took them out to the car. Before she had left, she had picked up the rings give to her. Going to a pawn shop, she sold them and went to pay for their plane tickets.

“Umma where are we going,” asked Leo in a tired voice. Chaerin smiled weakly at him, petting his head. “We are going back to our home in china baby. Your appa…doesn’t want us anymore. And I am sorry I left hyunki behind. I promise him I will get him back for you one day.” She watched with a broken heart as Leo began to cry, this causing Jin Kyong to wake and cry as well.

The guards returned back to the house and shook their heads at Chris. “We can’t find noona or the kids anywhere,” he said with a worried tone. “Only thing left is that she is probably heading to the one place that she owns under her name…the apartment in china from that small village.”
Minzy flinched as the glass in the door shattered. She had screwed up badly this time. "This is all my fault," she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. She sank to the floor trying to calm down but she was starting to hyperventilate.

"Noona, you need to slow your breathing," Chris said, kneeling beside her. She shook her head, unable to do as he asked as her tears fell.
Once GD was free he swung his fist up, making contact with his cheek then kicked the other before looking to Minzy. "See. I'm calm" He muttered getting up and rubbed his wrists. He was still pissed off and his features showed it. But he'd be damned if they caught him again.

After reading the text, Chris sighed. "Hyung, Noona can't be found. She might have left Korea... We can check-"

"Don't bother. She won't want anything to do with me anyways. She chose to leave and she did. She probably doesn't regret it. So why should I care" He said angrily and coldly picking up his long trench coat and weapons. He walked to the door ignoring everyone and walked out slamming the door hard enough to break the glass in it. He drove his car to a point before getting out and taking a cab and headed to the airport. "If she left than so can I." He muttered walking in the airport and headed to the terminal with the next flight to Japan. Feeling his phone vibrating he pulled it out and broke it in half tossing it away as he boarded the plane and left without a second thought.

Chris looked to Minzy worried and frightened. He had never seen his leader act like this. "Noona, I think we lost them both" He sighed
They looked uneasy about this, but they slowly nodded to her words. One guard slowly walked forward and cut the ties and unlocked the cuffs before standing back. “Hyung-nim, we are sorry that we did that to you but it was to protect you and the rest of us,” he said as he bowed to him.

Out in the city, the guards seemed to search high and low yet they could not find any sign of her. The head guard that left, quickly sent a message to Chris.

‘We got word she tried to go into homeless shelters or soup kitchens and hotels. But every place turned her away because they don’t want trouble from Hyung-nim. No one has seen her for the pasty twenty minutes.’

Sending the text, they continued their search for Chaerin and the kids. CL herself seemed to sit with her knees to her chest, starring at the rings she always wore around her neck. Swallowing the lump forming in , she tossed them to the side and bit her lip. “What am I going to do,” she whispered, she thought of asking TOP or Seungri for help but she didn’t want to cause any trouble for them. “I guess it’s back to china tomorrow then.” With that thought, she took out her phone and booked the earliest flight possible for the morning.
Minzy sighed heavily when no one seemed to listen to her and just did their own thing. Didn't that know that binding him like this would just piss him off more. At Chris's words, she looked over at him. "Cut him loose," she demanded, the guards looking at her in disbelief, "This isn't helping and he's going to end up dislocating a shoulder trying to get free." She moved to kneel beside him.

"Oppa," she said softly, his hair, "I need you to calm down so they can let you go." She was focused solely on getting him to calm down.
GD growled looking at the men trying to get out of his hold looking at Minzy then the rest of his men. "I'm not drunk. I'm perfectly fine." He lied, on the inside he was furious. "Don't bother looking for Chaerin. I don't want anything to do with her anymore. It's over. Nothing can fix this ____" He said looking away still trying to break his restrainants.

Chris sighed shaking his head. "Keep looking for Noona, I'll try to calm him down" He looked to Minzy. "Can you help? Since you know how to calm him down..." He sighed a bit afraid seeing his leader so angry.
The guards seemed to look worried as they watched GD a bit before turning to Chris. “We are going to go search for noona and see what we can do to help her.” With a nod, a few of them left and went out to search for Chaerin.

“Hyung-nim,” a guard slowly called out as he watched from the side. “You are drunk right now…so just put the gun down.” He took a few steps forward but quickly dodged as GD fired the gun at him. Taking this chance while he was distracted, another guard tackled him down and used handcuffs and twist ties to tie up his feet and hands. Sighing a little, they tended to the wounded guard before looking to Chris. “What should we do.
Minzy yanked away from the guards that held her. Most of them didn't know that she was usually able to calm him down. She watched in shock as Ji broke free and threatened to kill any who came close. Biting her lower lip, she took a step forward.

"Noona don't," Chris said, seeing what she was doing.

"Aniya," she said, "I'm the only one who can even try to calm him down right now. You know that." Looking back at Ji, she walked forward slowly. "Oppa," she said softly, "Please don't. You can't afford to lose any men, you know that." She was scared and her fear was there in her voice but she had to try.
GD managed to get his legs free and back kicked the men and got up grabbing his gun,loading it quickly and pointed it at the men. "Don't come near me, or I /will/ shoot. You hear me?" He growled coldly. Seeing the men back away he kept his gun pointed at them. He kept his stance not moving his gun just narrowed his eyes seeing Chris come out of the room and GD immediately pointed his gun at him.

"Hyung, calm down." Chris spoke slowly with his hands up.

"Don't you /dare/ get involved now. You caused enough problems for me already. I don't want any form of help from you. Nor will I accept it" He slurred putting his finger on the trigger before shooting at the feet of his men who tried to tackle him. "I will kill anyone who tries to come near me." He growled coldly looking at them all before loading his gun again. He seemed to have lost control and didn't seem to care much about anything at the moment.
The guards had finally managed to hold a thrashing GD down. “We have him, don’t get near him or you are going to get hurt,” they said as they pulled Minzy away. “Hyung-nim, you need to calm down and think straight. Noona left without much money, the soup kitchens or hotels wont take her in because of you. Its going to get colder tonight…the kids can’t stay in the car,” one said, trying his best to reason. “Go ask Chris to make him something to bring him out of his drunken state,” the head guard said. Another just nodded and went off to get the other sleeping male.

She had spent a good thirty minutes driving around, trying to check into different places. At first they would say yes, they would ask for her name and turn her around. “Its going to be okay…umma will find a place for us to stay,” she whispered to her children’s sleeping form. They had cried themselves to sleep, that thought alone breaking her heart. Biting her lip, she knew there was one place she could go to. “Our first apartment.” Sighing a little, she went there, managing to pick the lock. It was as he left it, everything torn to shreds. Shaking her head, she locked the door and put furniture up against it as she gathered what she could to make a beds for the kid and getting clothing left behind to cover them.