

Well, introducing my bf into Kpop has been fun :P He's willing to learn, I just don't think he knew how much there wa to learn! :P Good thing he's very info-rentive :)He just learned about fanchants and was like "How do they hear the song over it?!" Such a silly boy :3. 

More news, he stayed home today, so I couldn't get ANY writing done :( Sorry. I will tomorrow though, I have to get the next Ren out, the EXO-K, and the 2 sequels to the YongGuk one  before I have to leave Sun. So yah...I've got some work to do. I have half of the Ren done, haven't started on the YongGuk actual writing, and have a few sentences for the EXO, I have maybe  plot for that one xD

But on other notes, if you have a story to recommend I'd like them! I hate having to sift through some of the sub-par ones people just slapdash together -not talking about anyone I talk to on her, just so you know-, to find a true gem :) 



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Ooh yaaaay i hope the Yongguk one will be done soon!

Hehe..xD no offence taken...
I would like a good story too... so hard to find genuinely (and actually) readable fics.. *sigh*