★♬ (CS) ♫ - CynSny ♪♩☆ - Song Mi Rae



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A b o u t y o u

Aff Username; RoLlLiKeAKrIsUs
Aff link; 


T h e B e s t Y o u
Name; Song Mi Rae (Kim Mi Rae) | Mira Song
Nickname; Mira | Rae-Rae | Dolly | Bubbles
Stage name; Mirae 
Persona | Position; The Dolly and Innocent Young One | Main Dancer | Maknae

Age; 13
Hometown; San Francisco, Cali, U.S.A
Date of birth; August 2 1999
Nationality; American - Korean
Personality; Mirae is quite a tomboy when it comes to practice. Despite of that, she looks like a doll and any boy can get heads over heels in love with her. She likes to act like a boy and give flowers to her unnies. She can do a rap but she is more into dancing since Kim Jongin is her idol along with Eunhyuk of SuJu, Hyoyeon of SNSD, Yunho of TVXQ, Hoya of Infinite, Taeyang of Big Bang and 2NE1'S Minzy. She likes imitating James Bond and Smeagol. She can do the 'my precious' of Smeagol of Lord of the Rings and James Bond's 'My name is Bond, James Bond'. She knows a lot of aegyo like '1+1=sweetheart' or 'gwiyome' or the 'bbuing bbuing'. She likes drinking caramel and bubble tea. She can eat a lot of carrot. She likes taking selcas before,during, and after practice. She likes to sleep a lot. She always speak in English since she once lived in California. She likes throwing her things everywhere but she likes being tidy when its saturday or sunday. When she's bored, she can be playfully annoying. She likes jumping around and cant stay still. She is quite shy when you first met her. She is also a crybaby and likes sticking her tongue out. When she lie or do anything bad, she always say..'Erm... Ma'am/Sir, please look at this thingy and I'll erase your memory.' She is hard to wake up and the last one to sleep at night. She likes wearing sleeveless and short shorts, in short, she likes dressing simply. She likes clinging onto tall oppars like Kris oppar. She cant go to sleep without drinking any milk or tea.
Language; English (fluent) | Korean (fluent) | Japanese (basic)
Dislikes [5+]; 
♦Proud people♦ Lilies♦ sunshine♦ sunlight♦ insects♦ circus♦ lullabies♦ smokers♦ pushers♦ es
Likes [6+]; ♦flowers♦ phones♦ James Bond♦ Chocolates♦ bubbles♦ music♦ headphones
Fear [5+]; blood♦ doctors♦ pointy objects♦ insects♦ dark places♦ narrow rooms/places♦ x-rays
Fun Facts/Trivia [6+]; She was once escorted by Lee Tae Min and Oh Sehun | She was featured in Ulzzang Shidae Season 6 | She have a lot of allergies | She have this doll whenever she sleep which was gifted to her by Taemin | She once founded a Kids Modeling Contest when she was 10 | She was once locked in a closet when she was 7 | She was once featured in a American Mag. | 


Y o u r A p p e a r a n c e
Ulzzang name; Kim Yoo Jin 
Ulzzang appearance [5+]; http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/qojo0bk4.jpg | http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/44db9d6z.jpg | http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/kim-yoo-jin.png | http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/daxqdm5l.jpg | http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/klirljuu.jpg 

Back-up Ulzzang name; Hong Yong Gi
Back-up Ulzzang appearance [5+]; http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx0067gV6I1r2lcbto1_500.jpg | http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx113viJXf1qh8syro1_500.png | http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwzhh9teck1r44nngo1_500.jpg | http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx4fdmj8w71qhpdppo1_500.png | http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwrujc71fo1qht8k0o1_500.png 

Casual Appearance [2+]; http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/cute-ulzzang-kim-yoo-jin-05.jpg | http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwofypWl0s1qht8k0o1_500.png | http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/cute-ulzzang-kim-yoo-jin-01.jpg | http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/cute-ulzzang-kim-yoo-jin-04.jpg | 
Practice/ Training Appearance 
[2+]; http://static.theiconic.com.au/p/Running-Bare-Super-y-Sleeveless-Zip-Hoodie-1995-97356-1-product.jpg | http://www.getprice.com.au/images/uploadimg/2593/Super-y-Sleeveless-Zip-Hoodie-08356-1-product.jpg
Formal Appearance [2+]; http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQnzvmfYU-eA13BnWsDGwZxV7CJWhE-pu8qSAkm8G1oCI9fudx4wQ | http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTsws-OyUZumJXp0pZWS8sbLanuEnkcfmQa2_R1MJMD2Ppqtj8QMr6zG_I | 
Bedtime Appearance [2+]; http://pajamagram.http.internapcdn.net/pajamagram/Images/ProductImages/Large/GKPJ00815_Large_Keyword_20121008_1109.jpg | http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/524886887/2012-New-Women-Pajamas-Ladies-Sleepwear-Ladies-Pajamas-Women-Cotton-Pajamas-with-Rubbit-Pocket-Coral-Velvet.jpg


Y o u r F a m i l y B a c k g r o u n d

Parents [Name|Age|Occupation|Dead or Alive]; Song Ah Rin | 35 | House Wife | Dead - Song Min Jun | 38 | Founder | Dead 
Siblings [Name|Age|Occupation|Dead or Alive]; =none=

*Siblings can no need to be an idol. If you dont want to have a sibling, then it's fine.


Y o u r B a c k g r o u n d

BestFriends/Friends [ Max 5 ] : Lee Tae Min | Kim Myungsoo | Lee Sung Jong | Goo Hara | Park Eunji | 
Fan Club Name : Mira's Song
Fan Club Colour : llllll llllll
Fan Club Symbol : ¢
Rival [Friendly or Competitive]: -none-
Reason for Rival : -none-


l o v e

Love interest [Name | Age | Group ] : -none-
Personality of Love Interest :
Back-Up Love interest [Name|Age|Group] :
Personality of Back-up love interest :
Favourite kind of Date | Ideal Date :
Ideal Boyfriend :
Love Rival : 

Status of Relationship [Ongoing | Have Not Met | Have Met are Good Friends | Have Met but not close ] : 


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I would like you to set my love interest, Author-nim~ so it'll make the story more interesting~!!! Hwaiting!




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