An Angreement=.=

Yes, yes, I'm back! Keke~ Helllllooooo guys!

Gosh, I miss hanging out here on aff for long hours:( I can only go on the internet at night which is around 8:30 to 10:00 or sometimes 11:30?

A few days ago, I made a deal with my mom. She would stop pestering me if I study in the day and do whatever I want at night^^ Well, even though I would be facing the book for hours but to get some freedom at night is precious, so, i'll sacrifice my sanity for it=.= Do you think it's a good deal? Slowly.... going insane=/

Okay, okay, gotta get my head straight *straighten up* I will............................... CAN'T I JUST IGNORE MY HOMEWORKSSSS?

Meh, I need to focus this year since I want to pass the national exam so that I will be able to go to a good college... So, hwaiting! But, second day of school is quite okay I guess... It was blurry in the morning since I was so ing sleepy=.= I want to sleepppppppppp! I was like half-awake, walking into school.... Have mercy on me pleaseT.T

Aish... I dunno wanna end up complaining in this blog for the whole time, so, I shall stop it now:D So, the deal I had with my mom is on-going now and I feel quite tired too... Aigoo~ but still, I'm a student and I have to study right?

I'll go now and talk more tomorrow~ I wish tomorrow would be a better day and I hope I'll see my close friends more oftenT.T I miss them whenever we had to part ways because we go to different classes... Teachers! Let me be in the same class as my friends!!!!!!!!!!!







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PaboForSJ #1
I didn't end up in the same class as my friends too~ TT^TT But at least I'm not alone in the school~ :)
Luhan's guyliner looks like an eyebag... kkk~
Ahhh~ The last gif is from the show that brought me to Kpop. <3

Man, for you. My mom never enforced any computer rules on me in high school. My grades were always good but I think she just doesn't really care. I have a brother that's 2 years older and he's a genius so he's the gem in our family. I'm just the somewhat smart girl. >.> I usually do my school work as soon as I get home and then I'm usually done by 6. Then I have the rest of the evening to myself. Only this semester I won't be getting home until 5. T____T It's going to be a baaaad semester. =_=
lol, well i can only go on AFF when my homework,and projects are finished. sometime i don't get to go on, because my teachers give usa lot of homework -___-
soo right now i'm on break, and i'm using this free time to my advantage, and going AFF as much as possible ^^
but i'm going back to school next week T_T

Lol i liked the last gif xDD
Lucky!! My AFF time when school starts, which is today ;_;, will be restricted to 12:30am-2:30am......maybe not even, cause I have to get up at 6-6:30am now ;_;
im in the same situation as you!
National exams this year and yeah...
You're lucky you can still go online everyday

My computer time ever since school started are restricted to Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays D:
Oh man..I'm in the same situation as you.... mitivation for Studying :-\
I only have motivation for reading ff all day long XD
hehehe^^ the last pic was totally funny !