Biases (Survey)


1)  Pick your top 5 biases and answer the questions:

1. Lee Sungjong
2. Zhang Yixing
3. Park Chanyeol
4. Jung Daehyun
5. Jang Dongwoo



What do you like about 4?

His awesome vocals. And he's so cute when he's quiet. ^_^



Is 2 an alcoholic? 

I don't think so... He's got enough sicknesses to deal with.


Can 1 sing?

Sure he can! He's just not the main vocal, but he can sing just as well as the others.


Is 5 in a relationship?

He's had flings, but presently he's not in a relationship. I'll tell mom if he did, tho. xD (Hey, Woo oppa!)



Would you go out with 3?

OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^


Is 2 hot?


'Hot' is not the word I'd use... But it depends on what he's doing. He's so hot when he dances. ^_^


Can 3 cook? 

Haha, I don't know. Maybe he makes ramen. ^_^


Do you know if 1 plays an instrument?

Uh-huh. He plays the piano, and I think a bit of guitar.


What do you like about 1?

>He's damn perfect and he looks like an angel.
>He's gentle, yet more fearless than most of his hyungs.
>He plays the freakin' piano
>He's the maknae (And I have a soft spot for maknaes)


Has 4 had any solo albums?

Not presently, tho I wouldn't be surprised if he would be able to promote one in the future.


Would you set-up pair 2 and 5 together?

HAHAHAHAHA. No. I mean, a unicorn and dinosaur? What sort of hybrid would that make? xD


Do you think 3 would be a good parent?

He's too much like a child to act grown up, but I don't mind him being like that. It's an asset.


What do you like about 2?

>He plays the guitar
>He's so cute 'cause he's so shy
>He dances like a pro (Wait, he is a pro)
>His adorable dimple


Can 5 dance?

Like hell he can! Maybe not as good as Hoya, but very very close.


Can 1 act? 

Hope he can. And I think so too. I'd like to see him act in a kdrama in the future.


Would 4 bail you out of jail?

No, he'd join me. ="> (Haha, it's supposed to be funny xD)


Has 2 ever been on reality tv?

They attended lots of shows in China... But for him alone, I think it's too early. But I'll look forward to it.


Out of 1 and 5 who would be more likely to ask you out?

More likely # 1. It's kinda weird to have your brother ask you out, right? xD


Is 5 tall? 

Not so much. LOL


Has 3 done anything embarrassing in public?

Uhm... No, I don't think so. Tho he's more than capable of doing just that. >.<


Do you like 4’s current hair style? 

He's blonde again, and I like it~ :))


Is 2 gay?


N to O. Just. NO.


Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross-dressing show?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA No way. xD They're too much of men to do that.


Would 1 go skinny dipping?



Does 3 remind you of anyone you know?

No. He's one of a kind. ^_^


Would 5 watch ?

HAHAHAHA I think he would. And he'd bring the whole team along on a free time. xDxD


Is 2 single?

YES. Tho it's kinda tragic.


Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them or you pregnant?

Date # 3 (Park Chanyeol) and lose them in a car crash. I'm not the sort who's scared of death, and I wanna expercience the death of someone close firsthand. I know, sadistic.

OR, I could date # 4 (Jung Daehyun) and break up 2 years later. At least we know that the other exists, and who knows, we might get back together someday.


stolen from annyeongiexist


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