3rd Ann of my Appa's passing

So it's been 3 years today that I lost my appa. I won't go into how he passed but he was still young and it was sudden.
Every year I end up a crying mess and just want to be alone but today was diffrent. Insted of crying I went out, thanks to my halmoni, and bought SO MANY Kpop CDs. I went to a shop called K-pop America and got:
Escape - Kim HuyngJun
99 - Epik High
Warrior- B.A.P
It's and aRTist - Teen Top
Blockbuster - Block B
I also got a free MBLAQ Poster from the It's War DVD and a Free B.A.P. Poster from their 3rd Single Album.
The Lady there was super nice but while I was there the TV's that play MV's were on a Super Junio kick and I was subjected to the tourtre that is SuJu T.T

In Honner of my appa tho I made a vow when I talked to his urn last night; that I would work harder to not be sad at him being gone.
You have to understand something, I'm not Korean but I really admire the culture and when I made my promise I bowed so deep that dang it my back hurts.

And now Lightless by B2ST comes on, a song that reminds me of my appa and never fails to make me cry.
Good Night everyone.



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