Soul Stars, A New Rookie Girl Group Application

Full Name: Tiffany Song

Date of Birth: March 29, 1994


Relationship Status: Single

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

Fashion Style [Casual, TV Appearances, Formal, Training:

These are all designed by InspiritLife(: 

Casual: 1 2 3 4 5 6

TV Appearances: 1 2 3

Formal: 1 2 3

Training: 1 2 3 


Personality: Tiffany is cold at first and doesn't talk much, to boys that is. She has had one boyfriend throughout her entire life. She used to hang out with only boys until puberty kicked in and feelings grew. She fell in love with HIM, her best friend. And that didn't end well. After that, she cut all the boys out of her life, except her family members. To people who don't know her, she is quite cold and reserved. She loves eating, which is how most people open up to her. Lay, was the only one who did that. He cooked for her and she loved it, even though she doesn't show it. She smiles every time she reads his little notes. (Mentioned in Lay's) Her members joke around with her because of it. Lay, is the only male outside of her family, that has ever been able to break her cold shell. 

Besides being cold and reserved, she is actually very caring. She just doesn't show it. She donates and cares for people and animals and in need. But she always puts on a disquise and uses a different name, or just puts no name. She likes helping children that have no one or has just lost someone, because she has been in their phase before. She can understand how they feel, not having someone around a lot. She had people helping her, but there are unfortunate souls that don't. She wants to be the one that brings light into their dark worlds. 


~Facts: She speaks English thanks to her father. After studying in America. She is fluent in both Korean and English. 


~Animals(Fluffy and cute ones that are not capable to eat you) 

~Food. This girls loves eating. When people stare at her, they predict her death will come when her stomach gives. 

~Taking pictures. She loves taking pictures of moments she wants to remember forever. 

~Stuffed animals. They're so cute ^__^

~Music. She lives for music because she believes it is the only thing that understands her life. 

~Dance and Rap. She is very passionate about these two, because when she does them she can put all her emotions into it. It has a special meaning.

~Skinship. She loves hugging people, and holding hands...etc. (Girl's only and her family. Other than that, she keeps her hands to herself)

~Piggyback rides


~Snakes. She hates them, because they creep her out. Hate because of fear pretty much. 

~Being woken up. She hates it when someone tries to wake her up, not a morning person. She will sleep to the very last minute. 

~Being hungry.

~When people throw a bunch of questions at her. 

~Work, she's a lazy girl. She doesn't do anything unless there's a gain for her. 

~Wasting food. Even when her stomach is about to explode, she tries her best to eat every morsel left on the plate. 

~Guys who aren't sincere


~Writing, even though she is not a very great author. 

~Anything to do with music-Singing, dancing. 

~Trying new food. FOOD <3

~Collecting lip balm. She as all sorts of lipbalms. 

~Collecting things that remind her of someone that made an impact in her life, good or bad. 


~Biting/ lips.


~Laughing when things get awkward 

~Choking on food

~Randomly dancing to songs that she likes, even when she doesn't know the dance. She improvises. 



Family Information:

Father: Song Kiwoo(Thomas Song) Loving and kind father. He tries his best to stay a part of Tiffany's life even though he has to work hard to support the family. He, along with her twin brother and older brother, are the only males she trust. He is a music producer and travels around alot. He mainly works with American stars, because...well. He's requested by them more than Korean stars. He doesn't live with Tiffany, but in the states. Tiffany doesn't mind though, she knows his reasons. 

Mother: Jessica Park Tiffany was her mother was very caring and a great mother by her father and her oppa. Tiffany and her twin never knew her though, she gave up her life to save Tiffany...the younger twin. That was enough for Tiffany and James to love her. Tiffany's mother was a choreographer for the people Thomas worked with. She had amazing skills, until she got pregnant. She had to quit her job for the time being. She had trouble givin birth to James, and almost died because of the birth.After James, she was able to dance for 3 years until getting pregnant again. This time, she wasn't so lucky. The first baby, Jesse, was able to come into the world peacefully. Te second baby, Tiffany, was another story...Tiffany's mother had to choose her own life or her daughter's life. Because of her mother's neverending love for her children, she saved Tiffany and died, only having one glance at the newborn baby before dying at that spot. 

Jesse Song(Ulzzang: Park Jaehyun): Tiffany's twin brother. He's a choding, always joking around and living life to the fullest. They may not look exactly the same, but Tiffany and Jesse were two peas in a pod. They are both carefree and live life like there's no tomorrow. 

James Song(Ulzzang: Park Hyungseok): The mature one, Tiffany's older brother. He makes sure the two don't get into trouble when his father is gone. However, when his father returns...the pair of twins turn into triplets. 


Hyoyeon from SNSD. She the first person, outside of your company, to open up and accept you. You are practically sisters, but rivals in rapping and dancing. 


Past Lover: Lee Chihoon 

Past Lover's Personality: He's sweet and caring, but is a little too over protective. That's what cause Tiffany and him to break up. He got jealous and let his feelings take over control. She couldn't take it anymore and called quits on the relationship. They got together again after a few months, but he then cheated on her with many girls. He wanted to "show" her how it felt to be jealous and hurt. 

Reason For End Of Relationship [Optional]: Constant fights, and cheating. 

Current Relationship With Past Lover: Strangers. 


Love Interest [Optional]: Lay (ZhangYixing)

Love Interest's Personality: He's dorky and funny. He seems so cool and collected at first but after you meet him, your impression changes so drastically. He isn't around a lot, but calls Tiffany every morning before he has to work and before he has to go to sleep. Lay was open with his feelings the moment he felt them, which wasn't very long from their meeting. He confessed before having to leave. He was patient and gave Tiffany the time to answer. During the time he was waiting, he already acted like a boyfriend. He got jealous whenever guys would get too close to her. That rarely happened, but when it did, they had problems. Although his jealousy was cute, Tiffany hated guys that got jealous so easily. Lay was always the first to apologize whenever they had a fight. He loved her with all his heart and vowed to never let her go unless she told him too. A lovesick puppy, that's what he was. A reliable, adorkable, puppy with a dimple that showed every time he smiled that amazing smile. (I forgot to mention. He makes cute little lunch boxes for Tiffany whenever she's on her break when he visits.He writes little love notes with and stick them in the bento box.) Ex: 1 2 3 ~Tiffany-ah. How's training? I hearnd you're debuting soon~ Oppa's so proud. Smile more, araso? You're beautiful when you smile. But don't smile around boys, araso? Only oppa~ Saranghae, have a great lunch. Make sure you eat all of it, araso? 

Date Of Birth: October 7, 1991


Occupation: Member of Exo-M

Likes: dance, singing, junkfood, cooking, playing guitar, playing piano, computer, basketball, FOOD

Dislikes: N/a


Rival: She considers people like Kahi and Hyoyeon as rivals.

Reason:She admires them, but is determined to be the best. 


Role Applied For In Soul Stars: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer

Special Talent/s [Optional]: Rapping, Dancing

Stage Name [Optional]:Tiffany

Persona: Bipolar. Happy when around close friends. But cold when it comes to strangers and boys...

Individual Fan Name: Dreamers, because Tiffany dreams a lot about her future.  


Scene Requestes: Lay visits finally after being in China for so long? (: 


Questions: Please tell me if there is anything wrong with my application(: 



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shineelovely #1
Thank you for applying!! Just have a few questions for you. Can you elaborate on what happened to her mother?