Finish the Sentence


Erase Previous answers and finish the sentence yourself.


FInish the Sentence!


-When I grow up I want to be- A psychologist.

-Right now I'm a- 15 year old freshman..?

-The next pet I want will be___ and will be named- I want hedgehog twins (don't judge me) and I will name it Romeo and Heresy.

-Don't ever ask me to- repeat myself because I will not.

-Don't ever- Compare me to my older sister. Ever.

-Right now I'm wearing- detail I am wearing one blue sock and one pink sock,purple flannal pajama's, no shirt but a pink jacket zipped up. Don't I match so well?

-The last book (not fanfic) I read was- actually i just finished reading this book named "Clean" I liked it alot <33 it is about these teens that end up in rehab because they either need a chance to stay sober or 'clean'..and each of the 5 main characters has there own story. It was really really interesting :)

-My nails are painted- Pale pink with purple sparkles.

- People say my best triat is my- far.

-People say something bad about me is- I am too independant. Which is ridicoulous, I can funtion on my own without needing constant help from is that a bad thing?

-My last relationship was- A confusing mess.

-My best relationship was with- my best guy-friend since first grade. That was around last year though and we barely see each other now-a-days.

-My favorite place to be is- The library or bookstore so I can read without distraction. Or at our school gym so I could practice volleyball <3

-The cuss word I usually use is- . But if 'shucks' was a cussword then I would choose that. Yes i say shucks.

-Once I tried to- uhmm well once i tried to stop cussing for good and I even said outloud "Okay Abbey you have to stop cussing" then i turned around and my hand hit a wall and i was like "OW ." //

-For a relationship to work out with me the guy/girl needs to- give me space. give me air to breathe. Don't be too clingy. It annoys the hell out of me.

-Today I should be doing- homework..and more things.

- Today I'm gonna- try to write another chapter in my fanfic because I have the time right now.

-If it started raining at THIS second I would- look out my window, fturn my music off to listen to the rain, finish answering this. then when I'm done I will legitamitely run outside in my crazy outfit and start riding my bike.

-I love- the rain~

-I hate- i don't hate. I highly dislike it when someone opens my door without knocking, even after I repeatedly tell them to ing knock the next time.

-Something all my boyfriends/girlfriends had told me is- that I have a mysterious aura. In which i would roll my eyes. because I am not mysterious, i just don't have much to say. So quiet yes, mysterious heck no.



QUESTION (for authors only)- Do you think your readers should get to know you more?

My readers know as much about me as they should.



QUESTION- Do you have a dirty little secret? (must answer).

Yes, I do.



These are always fun to fill out :)



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Eunhaeluv #1
ooooo yes they r!!