
Hello :)

It's kinda of irritating when people don't comment I've come to realize, or read the story without subscripting if they really like it. I do it to whatever story I read. (I can't account for the ones before I actually joined the site) 

Now don't get me wrong, I love when it has views, but then again I don't know if they read all of it, didn't like it, or even if they died of a heart attack. It's like one of your babies when you post it, like something you've held for a long time and when no one seems to pay attention to it, it drives you crazy.

So people that review are high on my  "Love you" list, specially the friends and comment replies <3  

-Side Note- I understand the people on phones, or short on time, this was just a mini rant.

Also, watch out for Mr. Clean magic erasers, they gave me chemical burns O.o


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Omg unnie i feeeel youuu.

I always comment and sub if i like the story...
Yet i've got silent readers and i cannot tell if they like it, thought it was the most horrible story ever, or just didn't bother to give me feedback..

It pisses me ooooff
As an author... personally...
Comments are important to me! >.<